Friday, November 30, 2012

GameLight - FarCry 3

Official Site:
Steam Page:
Source: Youtube Channel IGNentertainment

I had finally finished FarCry 1 and hated it half way through the game after loving it so much in the beginning.  I have yet to start FarCry 2, but I am hoping that I enjoy it the whole way through and not just half way through.  FarCry 3 just looks absolutely phenomenal.  Not only are the maps large, but the viability to play in different ways is also expansive.  In addition to lots of new weapons is 3 skill tree paths that the player can level up on that helps boost their abilities to their type of playstyle.  The three skill tree branches out into 3 different playstyles: tactical, stealthy, and bum-rush.  What's more, there's also a 4-player co-op mode so that you can experience the game in a different fashion with friends and other players from around the world.  And from what I hear, there's also a campaign editor where a player can create their own levels and scenarios.  As always the graphics to the game looks incredible and I really hope that my computer can handle it.  FarCry 3 is possibly the most anticipated game of December this year and will be out in 4 days.  FarCry 3 will be available on PS3, Xbox 360, and PC on December 4th, 2012.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

NewNews - The Humbe THQ Bundle

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel humblebundle

When I saw that another Humble Bundle came out, I was wondering what new indie games were added.  To my surprise, it wasn't an indie bundle at all.  The new Humble THQ Bundle are games published by THQ who have evidently have had tough times in the past few years despite the many great titles they have released.  In this bundle includes: Darksiders, Metro 2033, Red Faction Armageddon, Company of Heroes, Company of Heroes Opposing Fronts, Company of Heroes Tales of Valor and if you pay past the average, you'll also get Saints Row The Thrid.  In addition, the soundtracks to the game will also be available upon purchase and can be downloaded in MP3 and some in FLAC.  The downside for some people this time is no compatibility for Mac and Linux and you must have a Steam account to redeem the games.  Keep in mind that purchase funds also goes to charity as well as the developers and the organizers allowing us to get these great deals.  It sounds like the next Humble Indie Bundle is coming very soon as well, so keep an eye out for that.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

GameLight Review - Home

Steam Page:
Source: Youtube Channel Benjamin Rivers

Developer: Benjamin Rivers
Publisher: Benjamin Rivers
Platforms: PC
Release Date: Jun 1, 2012
Genre: Adventure

+ Atmospheric and eerie
+ Different decisions affect the outcome of the story

- Granted that it's an adventure game, the gameplay mechanics were boring
- Contradicting events happen throughout the game
- The writing is so typical of mystery stories that it's almost cliché
- Text runs slowly and freezes up when trying to skip through it
- Saving work oddly where checkpoints are far apart from each other
- It doesn't matter which ending is given, they're all unsatisfying

Recommended: Maybe, it was $1.01 when I got it and a lot of other players enjoyed the game.  I personally didn't like it.

Home is a mystery-Adventure and has been called a horror game but isn't one.  The game is all Adventure, meaning there's not killing, dying, enemies, or complicated game mechanics.  There's investigating objects and making decisions.  How the game works is that the decisions that the player makes will affect the ending of the game.  Home is able to create an eerie and dark environment, even with all its pixel-like graphics with the help of environmental audio.  But beyond that, I was mostly bored with the game and was mainly concerned about having all the questions in the game answered.  When I did get some answers at the end, they were ambiguous and unsatisfying.  There can be many conclusions drawn at the end depending on what the player did throughout the playthrough.  I didn't feel compelled to play the game over again as I knew the other endings would make me feel any better about the game (I looked up the other possible endings).

Art Style: Classic 8-bit Pixel based graphics
+ Atmospheric and eerie
+ Effective soundscapes that really sets the mood
+ Though not truly a horror game, the game can be quite spooky
+ Nice looking backdrops

- Some rooms look too similar making it easier to get lost
- Lots of lost opportunity to be a bit more dramatic and surprising
- The retro-style look is interesting, but it loses its novelty very quickly
Aesthetics: 6/10

Controller: Keyboard only
+ Though somewhat slow, Simple and straight-forward controls

- Reading through texts are a pain: slow and freezes up when skipping
- Why wasn't the game a point-n-click like most adventure games?
Buttons: 4/10

Concept & Content
Core Concept: Keep moving forward through the story and make decisions
+ It's interesting that the ending changes depending on what decisions you've made
+ The story can be interpreted in many different ways

- There are contradicting events that causes the story to make no sense
- The story isn't too far off from your typical mystery novel
- Erratic text boxes breaks the flow of the game quite often
- Throughout the game, it's one question after another without a good climax
- Puzzles are more tedious than stimulating
Concept & Content: 2/10

+ The game is fairly short, any long and I'd have given up
+ The game felt slow, but at least it was consistent

- The whole mystery was intriguing, but the ending ruined it all
- Trekking through all the rooms, buildings, and field was long and boring
- Text boxes scrolled too slowly and skipping them made the screen freeze
Duration: 4/10

+ It was pretty exciting in the beginning not knowing what to expect
+ Interesting that little decisions changed the outcome of the story

- The story just got more and more boring until it got to a very dissatisfying ending
- Puzzles sent me back and forth places quite often with no real challenge
- Texts boxes drove me nuts as I tried to speed it up only to have it freeze up
- I can see this game being a lot more effective in a 3D environment
Fun: 3/10

I didn't like the game.  It got me really excited in the beginning, but the story quickly reveals itself from the very beginning to be very shallow if not ambiguous.  The game mechanics weren't fun, the story was weak, but at the very least the atmosphere was interesting.  Still, I think the game would be a lot better as a First-Person 3D adventure, or 3rd-Person 3D adventure with much better direction in story telling.  There were so many times throughout the game where events could've been so much more emphasized and made memorable.  I wouldn't recommend any of my friends to play it, but it seems that this game was enjoyed by many.  I don't plan on playing it again any time soon.  Overall: 3.8/10

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

NewNews - TERA Online Free-to-Play Up To Level 28

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel onrpg

It's come to my attention that TERA Online is free-to-play up to level 28 now.  That's a little more than half the max level of 50.  TERA Online is an Action-MMORPG where it takes out the traditional Point-n-Click mechanics and turns it into more of a Action-game control schemes.  Players will have to actually aim at the enemy rather than click or Tab-action their targets.  I tried out the game during beta and really enjoyed the mechanics of the game as well as the beautiful graphics that really brought out the environment.  I liked the idea of being able to truly control your attacks and having to aim rather than click on an enemy and execute every skill I possess on my character as it brought more depth to the MMORPG genre and allowed players to fight more than one enemy at a time.  As long as you possess a En Masse Entertainment account, you can download TERA Online Discovery and start playing.  If you don't have an account, you can make one for free.  The player can also choose to switch from a free-to-play account to a subscribing account to play the full game which takes off all limitations.

Here are the limitations directly from the FAQs of the site:

You may only have 1 Discovery Edition on your En Masse account.

Max level 28
200g limit
Max gathering skill of 150
Max crafting skill of 100
2 characters per server

Chat restrictions:
/Say chat
Area chat
Global Chat
Trade Chat
Bargaining at the brokerage
Party search
Whispers (you will be able to whisper to players on your friends list)

Limits to:
Bank. You cannot deposit gold into your bank.
Parcel. You may not send parcel messages, but you may receive them.
Friends List. You may not add people to your friends list, but other may add you to their friends list. If someone adds you to their friends list they will show up on your friends list.
Whispers. You may only whisper your friends.
Guild. You may not apply to or create a guild, but if invited, you may accept a guild invite.
Trade Broker. You may not post items for sale, but you may purchase items.

Other restrictions:

No dueling, death matches, or battlegrounds.
No trading.
You may not transfer to another server.

You can start playing TERA Online free now by clicking on the top link and clicking "Discovery Edition - Play for Free" on the right of the page.

Monday, November 26, 2012

VGCulture - That Tingling Feeling

Have you ever played a game where it gave you a sensation?  Your mind gets excited, your hands are reacting quickly, and you are completely consumed and enraptured by the game as you are playing it.  This is the feeling I think most gamers seek out when playing a game.
Source: Youtube Channel ForceSC2strategy

I play so many different games now that I sometimes forget this feeling.  Some games just feel like dragged out.  Others feel like I'm doing a chore.  Certain games can be fun, but it doesn't really stimulate the mind as some other games might.  I finally got and tried out Torchlight 2 yesterday and got that tingling feeling.  Though it hasn't been very long since the last time I felt it, it was still strange to get so excited about the game.  I honestly didn't care too much about Torchlight 2 after Diablo 3 came out, and the first Torchlight was only okay even though it was fun.  It took quite a bit to really get through Torchlight as it started to drag on and no real variation got me hooked to the game, be it beginning or the end.  Torchlight 2, on the other hand, just sucked me right into the game.  I see that the game is faster-paced, but I'm not certain if that's the reason why I'm so into it right now.  It's hard to pinpoint what exactly makes a gamer get that feeling, but I think many people get it.  When people are playing first-person shooter, they're excited and feel empowered when doing well playing online multiplayer.  It's that same feeling when playing a fighting game and a player successfully pulls off a really complicated combo.  Sometimes, it happens through a long duration such as playing Minecraft and getting stimulated as the player builds their creation.  This is even harder for game developers to figure out as they want to be able to create a game that gives this same feeling, but not all players will get that feeling from the same game.  A gamer can be having fun and enjoy the game, but they still might not feel that sensation.  A lot of older classic games have that feeling such as the original Super Mario Bros. or Kirby Super Star.  This feeling is felt a lot less with modern day videogames, but I guess it just makes it that much more special when you find that one game that excites you.  Maybe that feeling is being happy?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

VGCulture - GameGrumps

Youtube Channel:
Source: Youtube Channel GameGrumps (Link above)

I heard of Egoraptor working on a collaboration of some sort, but I guess it totally escaped my attention that they've been releasing videos for a while now.  To be exact, they already have 243 videos uploaded.  Egoraptor, JonTron, and The Game Station have teamed up to bring the GameGrumps where they play and talk about various games from the past and present.  They're known as "Grump" and "Not So Grump" in these series of videos.  I haven't had the chance to watch any of them yet, but maybe I'll find the time in the next few days.  Enjoy their videos for the next few days as I'll be taking a break tomorrow and Friday.  Have a Happy Thanksgiving and stay safe for Black Friday sales.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

VGCulture - Last two Steam Seasonal Sales of 2012!

Like many other PC gamers, Steam Seasonal Sales are pretty exciting as games get incredible discounts where once too expensive games become affordable or even a steal.  Other times, there are games we'd take a chance for just a few dollars when we'd never take a second glance before.  To much of my excitement and many others:

-Steam Fall Sales starts tomorrow: Nov. 21st - Nov. 27th
-Steam Winter Sales: Dec. 20th - Jan. 4th

I think the 3 games I'm hoping for a good sale for are Torchlight 2, Cherry Tree High: Comedy Club, and R.A.W. among many others.

Thanks to Joystiq for sharing this awesome news to the gaming community!

-Joystiq: Steam's Autumn sale starts tomorrow, Winter sale dated too

Monday, November 19, 2012

VGCulture - Prepare for Thanksgiving Sales 2012

Thanksgiving's this week, and that means Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales which in these past few years have been extended to a week long to 2-week long sales.  So this is a brief reminder to keep an eye out for sales from:
-Retail Electronic's store: Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Target, etc.
-Digital Distributions: Steam, Origin, Green Man Gaming, etc.
-Console stores: Playstation Network, Xbox Live Arcade, Nintendo eShop, etc.

If you had an eye out for that one game or several, chances are that they'll get a sale sometime this week.  Good luck, have fun, and stay safe for those still doing the traditional night out for the real Black Friday sales.

Friday, November 16, 2012

GameLight - Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel RajmanGamingHD

For those who remembers or played the game, Ryu Hayabusa has an apprentice named Momiji who appeared in Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword for the Nintendo DS.  Well, it has been revealed that she is making a return and will be a playable character in Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge for the Nintendo Wii U.  Her chest size wasn't that large in Dragon Sword, but perhaps she's more grown up or it just looks different in 3D?  She is capable to wielding a naginata and down multiple foes with its long range and wide arc.  I keep hearing about a 2-player co-op mode, but it's not clear whether it is exclusively for Online play or if it's possible to have one person on the Wii U pad and one on the TV screen.  These new additions and changes to the game has changed my stance on getting the game for the PS3 as the Wii U seems to define the game the developers wanted to release a lot better.  First things first: finish up more games, buy and complete Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma, THEN buy a Wii U and this game.  Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge will release as a launch title for the Nintendo Wii U which supposedly releases this Sunday.  I hope to see Momiji appear in other Ninja Gaiden games in the future.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

VGCulture - Some Weekend Deals

There's a few things to look out for this weekend:

Awesomenauts is free for the weekend on Steam to try out until Sunday and will be 50% off for $4.99 until Monday.
Source: Youtube Channel MachinimaTrailer

The Lord of the Rings: War in the North is only $3.75 on Greenman Gaming if you get it now and use this code at checkout: GMG25-UAAHK-6AI9S  Jet Set Radio is also $3.75 but these offers only have about 7 hours left, so get on them while you can! Source: Youtube Channel IGNentertainment

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

GameLight Review - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel CALLOFDUTY

Developer: Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games
 *Additional work by: Raven Software, Treyarch (Wii version), Neversoft
Publisher: Activision
Platforms: PC, [Playstation 3], Xbox 360, Wii
Release Date: November 8, 2011
Genre: First-Person Shooter

+ Great campaign mode with a compelling story and exciting gameplay
+ Significant improvement in Audio from its predecessors
+ Spec Ops is a great co-op mode to play when a friend's over
+ Multiplayer's redesigned level-up system rewards practice on a single weapon
+ Online gameplay still allows 2-player split-screen co-op

- The ending of this trilogy will either satisfy fans or infuriate them
- Spec Ops can get really repetitive for some people
- You die faster than ever in online multiplayer

Recommended: Depends, a lot of people buy it for the multiplayer and its community might drop quite a bit since Black Ops 2 came out yesterday.

If you're unfamiliar with the Call of Duty franchise, the game consists of a lot of fire-fights, quick-time events, some crazy scripted scenes, and a lot of killing/dying if you're playing online multiplayer.  What sets each iteration apart is the little changes here and there that makes them special.  In the case of Modern Warfare 3, the campaign is probably the most involving, epic battle of the whole series while multiplayer provides a nice change in leveling mechanics.  I wanted to boycott this game because of the conflict between the original developers and Activision, but I ended up getting the game and was surprised of how great the game turned out.  There were things I liked and disliked about the campaign, but I felt it was a pretty solid experience.  Multiplayer still doesn't capture the charm and memories of Modern Warfare 2, but it still turned out to be different and a lot of fun.  Even though MW3 gave me high hopes, I'm still weary about getting Black Ops 2 at the moment.

Art Style: Realistic 3D
+ The graphics are notably better, even though it seems to mirror MW2 a lot
+ Scripted-scenes were breath-taking and very exciting
+ Lots of beautiful landscapes and all very detailed
+ Significant improvement in the sounds of the gun-fire
+ Even better motion-captured animations

- Why do the enemies have to blend so well with the environment? D:
Aesthetics: 9/10

Controller: Respective gamepads for PS3/Xbox 360; Wii-mote & Nunchuck for Wii; Keyboard and mouse for PC
+ As expected, the controls are tight, responsive, and faster than ever
+ Key layout is the same: familiar and comfortable
+ User-interface is familiar with very little changes, easy to navigate menu
Buttons: 8/10

Concept & Content
Core Concept:
 *For Campaign: Kill enemies, move to next scene, repeat
 *For Spec Ops: Survive as long as possible
 *For Multiplayer: Fulfill the most points through killing, capturing points, etc.
+ A very large scale virtual involvement for the ending of the trilogy
+ Story was compelling, but the gameplay was also exciting
+ Level designs weren't only effective in gameplay, but beautiful in Aesthetics
+ Some rather memorable characters and scenes throughout campaign
+ Spec Ops satisfies the urge to kill waves of enemies
+ It's a good game to play cooperatively, be it against AIs or players online
+ I really like the level system for weapons and items, incentive to try new items
+ Tango Down mode is a nice addition to online multiplayer involving teamwork

- Multiplayer maps still aren't as fun as the ones in Modern Warfare 2
- The ending for the trilogy is kind of empty and some might not like it
- DLCs prices equal to, or more than, the game itself
- You die significantly faster in multiplayer than previous CoD games, meaning who sees who first will have an even bigger advantage than before
- There are still odd problems with lag in multiplayer and odd glitches such as being able to knife players 10 feet away
Concept & Content: 8/10

+ Campaign is a bit slow paced in the beginning but picks up and moves quickly
+ Campaign was at a decent length, but the ending did kind of come up abruptly
+ Spec Ops and Online multiplayer adds a multitude of replay value to the game
+ The new leveling up system is a good incentive to keep playing with a certain set of weapons and equipment

-As fun as campaign was, it's not something I'd replay like MW1&2
Duration: 8/10

+ Campaign was quite the experience and I'm glad to see the story conclude
+ Spec Ops was a surprising addition to the game and eats a lot of time
+ Multiplayer turned out to be pretty fun with the new items and leveling system
+ I like the new support build available for multiplayer, it suits me
+ The environments were really beautiful, I think it added to the experience
+ Audio was a vast improvement as gun-fire sounded more powerful

- Why do DLCs have to be so expensive?
- Multiplayer is fun, but I still like the multiplayer in MW2 a lot more
- I feel like a bigger n00b than ever at the rate of deaths I have
Fun: 8/10

I really liked how Modern Warfare 3 turned out, especially after the previous year of playing Black Ops (that one disappointed me).  The campaign's story was interesting without sacrificing gameplay.  Spec Ops allowed me to still play the game with friends who didn't want to play online.  Multiplayer is more challenging than ever and changes some things around to cater to more than one playstyle in the community.  It might be a bit more difficult to recommend the game now if what the player is looking for is Online multiplayer since the community might have died down quite a bit with the release of Black Ops 2 yesterday.  Still, it's worth borrowing from a friend or renting out for the campaign and Spec Ops.  Overall: 8.2/10

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

GameLight Review - The Darkness 2

Official Site:
Steam Page:
Source: Youtube Channel pixelenemy

Developer: Digital Extremes
Publisher: 2K Games
Platforms: [PC], Playstation 3, Xbox 360
Release Date: February 7, 2012
Genre: First-Person Shooter

+ Incredible writing that entices the player's interest in the story and dialogues
+ Fast-paced and exciting with lots of fire-fights and close-quarter encounters
+ The Darkness makes the player feel empowered
+ The environment is lively and very immersive despite the colorful art style
+ Multi-player offers 4 player co-op online with a separate story
+ New Game+ opens up new possibilities for replay value
+ Never lose your way as the next checkpoint can be revealed at any time

- Very short campaign of ~5 hours
- Multiplayer is a bit glitchy at times
- The ending made the player feel cheated

Recommended: Yes!  First-Person Shooter/Action fans would get a kick out of this

The Darkness 2 is one of the biggest surprises for me this year.  I had a bit of interest in the first one, but was turned off by the Black/Grey/Brown color palette of the entire game and for its slow-paced gameplay which made me end up not getting it.  Perhaps it was the trailers for The Darkness 2, or rather it was the fact I got the game for $6.  Whatever the reason may be, I am very happy that I got the game and played through it.  The Darkness 2 follows the story of Jackie Estacado, who is the Don of a Mob and possesses an entity called "The Darkness", where a cult tries to take the Darkness away from him and use its powers for their goals and purposes.  The game isn't entirely just shooting like in most First-Person Shooters as the player can utilize the Darkness' powers to throw heavy objects, grab and impale enemies, slice things up, and engage in all sorts of close-quarter combat with light puzzles on the side.  Both the story and gameplay stay compelling the whole way through with the addition of a skill branch system where the player can choose which abilities to acquire to fit their play style (I believe it's possible to acquire all skills when playing New Game+).  I didn't expect the game to be so fun, and I'm considering playing it again very soon.

Art Style: A colorful, almost cartoon-ish 3D cel-shaded style.  It's similar to Borderlands 2, but it still retains a dark atmosphere when needed.
+ The amount of detail put into the environment is beautiful
+ I prefer the colorful art style over the more realistic style of its predecessor
+ Animation for all the enemies and kills add to the satisfying feel of combat
+ Voice-acting brought out some very memorable characters

- Some of the animations (especially executions on multiplayer) are very odd
Aesthetics: 8/10

Controller: Keyboard and Mouse; controller compatible
+ Melee combat had a unique mechanic to attack horizontally or vertically
+ Gun control felt great and responds very quickly
+ Aim-assist is available to those new to FPS games (on by default)
+ Controls feel natural and actions flow very well with the pacing of the game
Buttons: 9/10

Concept & Content
Core Concept: Kill enemies, move forward, listen to some story, repeat
+ There's a nice balance between gameplay and story, never too much of either
+ Combat isn't solely based around guns which is probably what makes it unique
+ Plot is very simplistic, but the way it is told is what makes it so interesting
+ The writing to dialogue and the voice acting made memorable characters
+ New Game+ was a good idea to extend the replay value of campaign
+ Vendetta mode opens up to those who want multiplayer or more content
+ Skill tree and various characters offers different ways to play the game

- There isn't that much content for those who paid $60 for the game
- Ending of game doesn't leave the player off on a good note
Concept & Content: 10/10

+ Pacing was fast and progressed nicely with an even flow of combat & story
+ New Game+ and Vendetta offers a bit more replay value
+ Multiplayer, difficulty levels, and finding relics are the main replay factors

- Main Campaign takes only ~5 hours to complete, even shorter if story is skipped
- Vendetta mode is also pretty short and doesn't randomly generate enemy layout
Duration: 6/10

+ It was very empowering being able to run in and decimate your enemies
+ The environments blew me away, it's so beautiful and artfully crafted
+ Although guns were limited in variation, they all felt really useful and strong
+ Combat was satisfying, but listening to character dialogue was also entertaining
+ I was happy to know there's a New Game+ and that Vendetta mode offered new story, gameplay, and play-styles to the game
+ The skill tree mechanic is a good incentive to get more points
+ Boss fights were pretty fun and challenging

- The ending made me feel cheated and a bit empty
- The game's really short.  I'll replay it, but I'm practically done with the game
Fun: 10/10

The Darkness 2 is a really good game, despite being so short.  But with what I paid for it, I can't complain at all.  I liked the story, the art style was pleasing, characters were memorable, combat was very satisfying, but the ending did leave me feeling a bit doubtful.  I don't want to spoil anything, so I didn't mention anything about it throughout the review.  If I were to hint anything, it would be that it's a huge cliffhanger.  Still, it was a very enjoyable game and one I would definitely recommend.  Overall: 8.6/10

Monday, November 12, 2012

VGCulture - Rant on PS Vita games

Official Site:

Ever since its announcement, I always thought it was a strange name to give but knew I'd be interested in it nonetheless.  With front/back touch sensitive areas, dual analog sticks, and a bigger screen, it was something to look out for.  Ever since my first experience with the device back in May 10th, I've been keeping an eye out on what sort of games have been coming out for it.  After all, the biggest reason for getting a gaming system is to play the games (though some people bought the PS3 for watching Blu-Ray discs since Blu-Ray readers were more expensive back when the PS3 launched).  So there are some interesting spin-offs from franchises such as Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, and ports/remakes of other great games such as Street Fighter X Tekken and Mortal Kombat.  The question going through my mind now is "if I were to get a PS Vita, what games would I get for it?"

[Ragnarok Odyssey -  Xseed Games]
Source: Youtube Channel MachinimaTrailer

Based off the universe of Ragnarok Online, Ragnarok Odyssey is a Hack-n-Slash based Action-RPG that allows solo play or online multiplayer.  It reminds me of Monster Hunter, but a lot more exaggerated for an over-the-top style of combat.  I like these sort of Action-RPG games because they easily satisfy me with a rewarding experience each time I play them and can last for many hours of gameplay.  Unless Phantasy Start Online 2 comes out with the PC version next year in the West, this would be one game I'd play.

[Street Fighter X Tekken - Capcom]
Source: Youtube Channel CapcomUnityVideos

SFxT has put me in a hard decision this entire year of whether to buy it and on which console.  If I had bought it on PS3, 10 of the characters would come out later in the year, but as DLCs.  If I waited for a sale on Steam, I can buy it for PC and buy all the DLCs there for cheaper.  I could buy it on the PS Vita and have all the new characters along with the one already out, but I won't be able to play with anyone locally unless they have a PS Vita as well with the game.  Preferably, I'd like a definitive version for the PS3 like what Capcom did for Marvel vs. Capcom 3.  I didn't like having to buy the game twice just to get everything (the original and the Ultimate version), but I preferred it over having to purchase all the characters as DLCs.

[Persona 4 Golden - Atlus]
Source: Youtube Channel AtlusUSA

This is another problem for me.  I've taken interest in Persona ever since the 3rd one and had bought it sometime in college.  But that was the problem, I was in college and didn't have the time to play it.  After graduating, I found a really good sale for Persona 4 and bought that too.  It's sadly still in its plastic wrap right now and I'm wondering if I should get around to playing it or wait until I get a PS Vita to get the remake.  In the remake of what is known to be one of the best JRPGs out there, a new character has been added, more outfits and personas are available, and additional content has been added in.  The problem is, I don't know when I'll get the time to play it and I don't know when I'll get a PS Vita.  I hear the game can last from 50-70 hours on just the first playthrough.  I really want to get through the game though so I can start playing Story mode on Persona 4 Arena and understand everything as well as watch the animé.

What's keeping me from getting a PS Vita at the moment is of several reasons:
 -I have a huge backlog of games, mostly on the PS2 and PC
 -I just bought a Nintendo 3DS and barely got it warmed up (completed 5 games)
 -My purchases of games this year is pretty crazy, I think it's a new record

I've also expressed my displeasure of how the buttons on the device feels and how the device itself didn't feel very good in my hands.  So I guess I'm hoping for another iteration of the device to come out with a better ergonomic design and feel for the buttons (that's what got me to buy a Nintendo 3DS XL, changed a lot about what I didn't like of the original).  Most of the eye-catching games on the PS Vita are spin-offs, remakes, and ports, and that's okay I guess seeing how most of them are good ones.  I'll probably get one in the future, but I guess all I can do right now is look at the games that come out for it.

Friday, November 9, 2012

GameLight Review - Heroes of Ruin

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel IGNentertainment

Developer: n-Space
Publisher: Square-Enix
Platforms: Nintendo 3DS
Release Date: July 17, 2012
Genre: Action-RPG

+ Easy drop-in/drop-out multiplayer for local or global play
+ Steadily paced and good sense of progression
+ Each class provides a different experience
+ Challenging, but manageable
+ Visceral combat system makes fighting fun the whole way through

- Weak end-game content (Max level is 30)
- Gold is pointless as vendors rarely carry good items and maxes out at 99,999
- Loading times are way too long
- Lots of dead ends in each level

Recommended: Yes, Action-RPG and Dungeon Crawler fans will like it

An old war led a few men into channeling the powers to become Ruinlords so that they may protect the lands.  Years later, the Ruinlord Ataraxis was cursed into a deep slumber and heroes across the land gathered to find a way to awaken him once more.  As one of the heroes in the story, the player will run between the town and one of four areas to fulfill quests that will help the people of Veil, find ways to awaken the Ruinlord, and of course fight enemies to gain more experience points and find bountiful loot.  The game is a lot of running around, fighting, and solving light puzzles.  Each of the 4 classes have 3 main skill branches they can gain abilities from and can be mixed in any way they please.  The game can be perceived as a bit repetitive, but the well crafted combat system makes for a satisfying adventure into the dungeons each time.  I have finished through the game once with the Gunslinger and have tried the other classes and I found the game to be mostly enjoyable; however, there isn't much to do after you've completed the main quest other than to max out your character level.  The game provides a decent amount of gameplay time and replay value as long as interests still holds for the player.

Art Style: 3D Rendered Overhead
+ The 3D works pretty well, especially during scripted scenes
+ Each piece of equipment is reflected on the character, good sense of detail
+ Everything worked well together for a satisfying combat system (art/audio/etc.)
+ The town is pretty large and felt lively which made it a bit more immersive
+ Inventory system felt weird at first, but turns out to be really organized
+ For a handheld game, the voice acting was pretty good

- Without the 3D on, the graphics look blocky and clumped up together
- Two of the dungeons can look a bit boring after a while (1st and last were good)
- Some of the reaction times and animation to skills are sluggish
Aesthetics: 8/10

Controller: All aspects of the 3DS except for the Camera and G-Sensor; Face keys, shoulder keys, circle pad, digital pad, touchscreen, Wi-Fi, Microphone
+ Utilizes the touchscreen and digital pad really well along with the other keys
+ On the fly skill swap is great
+ All the keys are mapped out really well
+ Quick Equip/Sell on the digital pad is genius, I'd like this system in other RPGs
+ Quick potions on the digital pad keeps the flow of the game going, no menus

- Some skills execute sluggishly if at all
- Dodge felt clunky, especially with block on the same exact key
Buttons: 8/10

Concept & Content
Core Concept: Grab a quest, kill some enemies, collect some loot, repeat
+ Combat system is really satisfying and keeps things interesting
+ The ability to mix and match skills from different branch suits any playstyle
+ Quests are straight-forward and rewards generally help a lot
+ Drop-in/Drop-out Online Multiplayer is where the game shines
+ Having the quick equip/sell really helps
+ Each class has a unique style of play and different builds to go for

- There are a lot of dead ends with no enemies, items, or purpose in levels
- Gold is really pointless in the game, nothing worth buying all the time
- For a Dungeon Crawler/Action-RPG it lacks end-game content
- You couldn't pull back the map to see the entire dungeon, that was troublesome
Concept & Content: 7/10

+ Approximately 20 hours to finish, a good amount of gameplay time
+ The flow of the game was routine and easy to get into
+ Cinematics were never too long but still built the backstory rather well
+ There are 4 character slots, 1 for each of the classes to provide a different experience each playthrough

- Loading times between each area are incredibly long
- Once you complete the game, that's it.  No New Game+, hard mode, or anything
Duration: 7/10

+ The game eased me in pretty well and I caught on how to play fairly quickly
+ Fighting enemies is satisfying and finding better loot was exciting
+ Boss battles were well though out and provided a decent challenge
+ Daily achievements were a nice way to gain extra XP
+ I liked the use of the 3D, it brought aspects of a level to life

- I hated waiting for load times, they took a really long time to finish
- It's sad to max out gold at 99,999 and not find anything worth buying
- There isn't much incentive to continue playing after finishing the main story
Fun: 7/10


n-Space crafted out a really entertaining dungeon crawler for the 3DS.  They did a lot of things right such as the feel of combat, quick equip/sell/potions, and online multiplayer.  The game itself wasn't spectacular with a weak story or incredible graphics, but it was a lot of fun and provided a decent amount of gameplay time.  The loading times were a bit frustrating, but there was always something that made me want to keep playing and get farther into the game.  It's definitely a game I'd recommend for Dungeon Crawler and Action-RPG fans.  Overall: 7.4/10

Thursday, November 8, 2012

NewNews - Cherry Tree High Comedy Club finally out on Steam!

Official site:
Steam Page:

Finally, Cherry Tree High Comedy Club is available on Steam after 7 months from its official release!  I first mentioned this game back in April and have mentioned it again on several different posts relating to Nyu Media and the games they're translating.  Cherry Tree High Comedy Club is a sort of Visual Novel/Adventure that requires reading and making decisions.  It's meant to be light-hearted and have lasting appeal with an endless mode after you've complete the main part of the game (or so I hear).  As excited as I am for this game, I'm going to wait just a little longer as a possible fall sale might be coming up as well as the annual winter sale considering I have a large back log to keep me busy anyways.  Chery Tree High Comedy Club is out now for $7.99!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

GameLight Review - Hack, Slash, Loot

Official Site:
Steam Page:
Source: Youtube Channel videogamr DE

Developer: David Williamson
Publisher: David Williamson
Platforms: PC
Release Date: Apr 5, 2012
Genre: Rogue-Like RPG

+ Cute character sprites

- Everything is based on luck: Enemy placement, loot drop, attacking, winning
- Walls block off the view of enemies and items unless highlighted over
- You unlock characters by dying over and over, more incentive to lose
- Classes are mostly a few number and sprite changes
- It isn't very rewarding finishing a quest and getting there wasn't fun either
- The music isn't too bad, but it abruptly comes in and out throughout the game
- This game is infuriating every step of the way

Recommended: Definitely a "no"

Rather than "Hack, Slash, Loot", the game should've been called "Miss, Travel, Die".  This iteration on the Rogue-Like RPG genre plays entirely on chance and luck.  The player chooses a class and quest they want to take on and traverses the deadly dungeons to find better equipment to finally reach their quest goal.  The problem is that you will most likely fail the first time you play and perhaps the next few dozen times.  You will sometimes be presented with one door to go through and find that the first room is filled with 14 enemies right from the start and immediately die in the first room you walk through.  Maybe you'll find one enemy and fight it but have your character miss every attack while the enemy hits you twice to kill you.  Perhaps you did a great job finding equipment that made you stronger, but never found any potions to heal you so your character ends up dying before you could reach your main quest.  Everything about the game relied a little too much on statistical luck.  Almost all classes start off with about 60% chance to hit.  Even with a 3/5 chance of successfully hitting an enemy, your character will probably miss 5 attacks before it lands a successful one.  I had one really good game out of the many hours I gave the game a try and it was with the Amazon class which wields a bow that increases accuracy with each kill and recovers a little bit of health.  I ended up failing even that one after running into a boss that two-shotted me.  The game just isn't worth my time, even as a time waster.

Art Style: 8-bit Pixel based sprites
+ Cute character sprites
+ The pixel based graphics had a certain charm to them, but they get boring

- Walls and items obstruct the vision of enemies
- None of the quests changes the look of the dungeons
- Music was okay, but played abruptly throughout the game
- The sound effects got annoying after a while
- The graphics feel boring and uninspired playing the game
Aesthetics: 2/10

Controller: Mostly mouse and some keyboard
+ Moving around was easy enough
+ The keyboard shortcuts really helped

- The planes aren't very clear and so mouse clicks aren't accurate
- None of the controls are explained in-game
- Not able to play completely on keyboard, requires mouse sometimes
Buttons: 4/10

Concept & Content
Core Concept: Choose a class and a quest.  Then fulfill that quest by killing enemies, finding loot, and search for what the quests asks.
+ Simple and straight-forward

- Quests changed some of the level layout, but nothing to the game experience
- Levels are randomly generated, but they all feel about the same
- The goal of the quest isn't even that important after dying so many times
- Even with 32 characters to choose from, the game offers little in variation
- Exploration wasn't fulfilling, combat wasn't fun, and looting wasn't satisfying
Concept and Content: 1/10

+ There's plenty of replay value for those who can stand this game

- Pacing of the game was very jarring as nothing except dying was expected
- The length of each round can be anywhere from 2-3 hours down to 10 seconds
- You have to die many times over before getting a new character
- It feels like a lot of wasted time whether you're doing well or not
Duration: 2/10

+ Having an overpowered Amazon that was killing everything in one shot was semi-entertaining, and then she died in 2 hits and I felt cheated

- Having my character miss all their attacks is infuriating
- Dying in the first few rooms over and over was dumb
- There weren't any loot that made me excited when it should
- Combat is a long and tedious chore rather than an exciting experience
- There wasn't an incentive to continue playing the game any longer
Fun: 1/10

I know rogue-like RPGs are supposed to have a sense of unexpected randomness to it that makes it spontaneous and different each time, but each of those experiences should be entertaining and manageable.  The impression I got from the game was that it was all about missing attacks, dying, and starting over again in a vicious cycle to get all the characters.  I just couldn't believe how bad of a game it turned out to be.  Everything works, there aren't any bugs, but the design of the entire game just wasn't good.  It's a game I couldn't recommend anyone to, not even hard-core Rogue-like RPG fans.  Overall: 2/10

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

NewNews - Big Releases of November 2012

The next three weeks are going to be pretty big for some gamers.
Source: Youtube Channel HaloWaypoint

Halo 4 had launched last night exclusively for the Xbox 360 and begins a new trilogy for the series.  The original trilogy was a lot of fun but I'm sad to have not been able to play ODST or Reach.  I'm not sure if I'll get the chance to play Halo 4, but so far it looks great.
Source: Youtube Channel CALLOFDUTY

I was disappointed with Black Ops when it was released 2 years ago.  It had a great story for single-player, but the game play was really boring.  Multiplayer was fun because it was possible to have a buddy join you in online multiplayer on the same system and same screen (for consoles), but it was still unbalanced, buggy, and suffered from irregular amounts of lag.  Perhaps Black Ops 2 will be a lot better.  I had my doubts for Modern Warfare 3 last year, but it ended up pleasing me quite a bit.  I'm not certain how high the demand for Call of Duty is anymore, but I suppose we'll all find out next week.
Source: Youtube Channel Nintendo

Two weeks from now, Nintendo's newest creation will hit the public and we'll see whether Nintendo still has any attraction to the gaming community or the casual gamers.  Nintendo has already captured my attention for the system with games such as Bayonetta 2, Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper, and ZombiU as well as multiplatform games such as Assassin's Creed 3, Darksiders 2, and Mass Effect 3.

The holidays are approaching quickly which means huge sales on its way.  Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas sales are among the huge deals.

Monday, November 5, 2012

GameLight - Forge

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel IGNentertainment

I ran across a trailer at Gametrailers showing a new competitive multiplayer online game called Forge.  Strange enough, it reminds me of Quake.  It's described as a Fantasy themed, shooter-based, RPG PvP game.  I think what reminds me of Quake is the jumping around in the large environment.  I do see some melee attacks, so I don't think it's purely a shooter.  It's probably the fact that it's a new game and not everyone is clear about what kind of game it is and started putting out assumptions.  To put it simply, it's going to be a Player vs. Player intensive team-based game using different classes to achieve the goal of eliminating your opponents or fulfilling a task (I see a possible capture the flag mode).  Forge is a Kick-starter funded game and is also on the list on Steam's Greenlight so the community can help push this game out by voting them up and supporting by pre-purchasing their game for $20.  I'm not entirely sure, but I think it's possible to register and start playing the beta right now for 14 days free.  A release date for Forge isn't available yet, but be sure to look out for it.

Friday, November 2, 2012

VGCulture - Nintendo Wii U Sighted!

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel gamespot

I was at Target yesterday to check out the buy 2 get 1 free sale and saw a demo display of the Nintendo Wii U in the electronics section.  Sadly, there weren't any demo games to try out, but it at least showed what the controller looked like and had demo videos of some of the games that's going to release alongside the launch.  It feels a bit awkward which is probably why Nintendo decided to create a dedicated hardcore gamer controller for certain games.  I can see the gamepad controller coming into play for a lot of other games though.  The gamepad's actually really light, so the player wouldn't get tired that easily from holding it.  But the ergonomic is a bit odd.  For me, I guess I'm just not used to the controller yet, but at least it's not entirely uncomfortable.  Those with smaller hands like children or those with much larger hands of adults maybe have difficulty holding the controller comfortably for long durations; however, I imagine Nintendo and other developers to make more use of the touch screen on the gamepad rather than using the keys.  It's hard to tell whether the Nintendo Wii U will take off on launch day.  There's a lot of neat games that have been showcased for the Wii U so far, but there hasn't been a true killer software for it yet.  I just hope developers are more willing to support the system and create more games on it than the lack of support we've seen for the Nintendo 3DS the past year and a half.  The Nintendo Wii U launches on November 18th, 2012 about two weeks from now.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

NewNews - A 3DS exclusive by Treasure

Official JP Site:
Source: Youtube Channel lije

The developers that has brought great games such as Gunstar Heroes, Guardian Heroes, Mischief Makers, Sin and Punishment, and Ikaruga now plans on making a 3DS exclusive.  I have no idea what it is, but I'm hoping it's something with good replay value or game play time.  Treasure seems to excel at making shooters.  Be they run 'n guns, shoot 'em ups, rail-shooters, or side-scroll shooters, Treasure makes games with a certain charm to them.  Guardian Heroes was one of the exceptions that wasn't a shooter, but a classic beat-em-up with branching storylines and RPG elements that had me playing the game over and over.  We can all get excited about this new game that Treasure is developing, but there's no guarantee that the Western market will get a chance to play it.  All we can do is wait and see.

-Joystiq - Treasure working on 3DS exclusive