Tuesday, November 6, 2012

NewNews - Big Releases of November 2012

The next three weeks are going to be pretty big for some gamers.
Source: Youtube Channel HaloWaypoint

Halo 4 had launched last night exclusively for the Xbox 360 and begins a new trilogy for the series.  The original trilogy was a lot of fun but I'm sad to have not been able to play ODST or Reach.  I'm not sure if I'll get the chance to play Halo 4, but so far it looks great.
Source: Youtube Channel CALLOFDUTY

I was disappointed with Black Ops when it was released 2 years ago.  It had a great story for single-player, but the game play was really boring.  Multiplayer was fun because it was possible to have a buddy join you in online multiplayer on the same system and same screen (for consoles), but it was still unbalanced, buggy, and suffered from irregular amounts of lag.  Perhaps Black Ops 2 will be a lot better.  I had my doubts for Modern Warfare 3 last year, but it ended up pleasing me quite a bit.  I'm not certain how high the demand for Call of Duty is anymore, but I suppose we'll all find out next week.
Source: Youtube Channel Nintendo

Two weeks from now, Nintendo's newest creation will hit the public and we'll see whether Nintendo still has any attraction to the gaming community or the casual gamers.  Nintendo has already captured my attention for the system with games such as Bayonetta 2, Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper, and ZombiU as well as multiplatform games such as Assassin's Creed 3, Darksiders 2, and Mass Effect 3.

The holidays are approaching quickly which means huge sales on its way.  Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas sales are among the huge deals.

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