Thursday, March 31, 2011

NewNews - Sad day for the Game Industry

For whatever the reason may be, Capcom has decided to cancel Megaman Universe.

Source: Youtube Channel GrafWutzenstein

Sony Online Entertainment cancels The Agency and lays off 205 of its employees and closes 3 studios down.

Source: Youtube Channel machinima

And THQ lays off 33 of its employees between Kaos Studios and Volition.  And they just finished making Homefront too.

Economy still suffers and companies have to make some sacrifices and decisions to avoid getting bankrupt or shut down entirely.  It's already hard enough for people with little to no experience in the game industry to find a position to fill, but to have veteran employees having losing their positions and apply to those same position makes it harder for everyone.  If you're too experienced, they may not want to hire you in fear of having to pay too much.  I do hope those affected by the lay offs can get back on their feet soon, but I also reach out to those who are still looking to get into the industry.

-Gamasutra - Capcom Cancels Downloadable Mega Man Universe
-Kotaku - Sony’s MMO Studio Confirms Massive Layoffs, Closes The Book On The Agency
-Joystiq - THQ lays off 33 across Kaos Studios and Volition

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