Monday, March 7, 2011

VGCulture - Wanting an Arcade Fightstick

With my recent purchase of Marvel vs. Capcom 3, I've been trying to get back into fighting games again and realized that I have 6 fighting game titles for the PS3.  Along with getting blisters on my left thumb, I started to think about buying a fightstick.  The problem is, I don't want to spend too much on one.  I was thinking of making my own like some of my friends have, but realized that it's just as expensive and takes quite a bit of tools to make.  I found one that was extremely cheap, but wonder if it has the quality that main stream sellers do.
Here's the one I'm looking at: the Intec Combat Arcade TURBO Fightstick for PS3.  It's only $15, has a small design, is compatible with not only PS3 but PC as well, neatly aligned buttons with a slight arc, a turbo function, and a hand-rest to accommodate for it's small surface space.  With so many pluses going for this arcade fightstick, I had to wonder why there were other ones so expensive.
This is a PS3 Street Fighter IV Round 2 FightStick Tournament Edition made by MadCatz sold at $175 for the lowest on Amazon with the highest being sold at $340.  With prices like those, I could buy another console to play on.  So here are some of the perks of buying the more expensive arcade fightsticks: More durable, larger and tighter joystick, large surface space, weight and balance attained through wood material, spring powered button recoil for faster button press recovery, and a sleek and artistic design in tribute to Street Fighter IV.  I like the idea of having higher quality mechanisms with the joystick and buttons along with the weight and surface space made with top quality wood, but it's just too expensive to invest in unless I went pro and started to play in tournaments (which I highly doubt I'll do considering how badly I play fighting games).  Not having that weight and durability on a light plastic casing for the Intec does worry me a bit, but if it breaks, it's a $15 loss and not a $175 one.  I'll consider buying a more legit fightstick in the future, but right now I just want something nice and functional I could play with.  It's been pretty hard getting back into fighting games considering how frustrating boss fights have become for all of them (except Soul Calibur 4).  I'm going to keep an eye out for that Intec fightstick or try to find an alternative that will suit my needs.

Fighting games I'm playing:
Marvel Vs. Capcom 3
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
Street Fighter IV (Still planning on getting SSFIV)
Tekken 6
Soul Calibur 4
Virtua Fighter 5

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