Tuesday, March 22, 2011

GameOn - VGCC - First-Person Shooters

Videogame Common Complaints on First-Person Shooters, Whoo!  FPS is an extremely popular genre within the gaming community right now, especially with franchises such as Battlefield, Call of Duty and Halo.  They're exciting, fast-paced, and most definitely entertaining.  Once you jump into online multiplayer, the game changes and players will use strategies that they normally wouldn't use in single-player campaigns.  Other times, you'll wonder why you even bothered jumping into online multiplayer in the first place...

Noob Tubing
Wow, I actually didn't know what a Noob Tube was until I looked it up just now...I always thought it meant having to spray in a narrow pathway that is commonly used by the enemy to acquire kills without even aiming.  Noob Tubing is when a player uses a grenade launcher attachment to get kills and derives from having those who just started playing the game (usually this happens in the Modern Warfare series), being a new beginner (newbie -> noob), gain lots of multi-kills for firing at a group of enemies since the grenade launcher is a tube.

Source: Youtube Channel Ownu328
Now that it makes more sense to me, I have to ask if noob tubing is really that effective or unfair as many Modern Warfare 1 players claim it to be?  I ask this because I fail at noob tubing.  I get more kills in Call of Duty by knifing than I do using a grenade launcher.  But I have experienced being noob tubed with the same player killing 2-5 of my allies with each shot.  It does suck, but I feel that it still requires a bit of skill.  I wonder what a pro tubing looks like?

Not to upset anyone, but I am a sprayer.  I became a sprayer when I realized trying to legitimately aim and shoot didn't always work because of armor, lag, or getting flanked.  Spraying is when a player uses an automatic with a high rate of fire to "Spray" towards a general vicinity of where an enemy is situated to get a kill.  It's not always effective, but players that complain about it tend to since the player that's doing the spraying moves faster when shooting from the hip and doesn't have to aim down the sight to have bullet contact.  For me, I get annoyed when I die multiple times from a random headshot due to spraying and not from the spraying itself.  "Spraying is a legitimate tactic and can provide cover for your team mates to flank!"  At least, that's what I'd like to think.

Knife Sprees
Knifing is the best ever since I first played Call of Duty Modern Warfare.  Knifing sprees were more of an issue with players on Modern Warfare 2 than any other FPS out in the market because of perks such as "Commando" with infinite sprint and faster running since players were able to by pass enough gunfire to get a one-stab kill.  I do knifing sprees quite a bit since it's been the method I've used to get the most kills.  I made a specific class that involves running around tight pathways so that I only have to dive forward to get a stab kill.  People won't complain about this one as much if you're dying a lot.  Playing an entire match using knife takes a bit of skill, but it also involves a lot of luck (it really depends which way the player is facing).  I generally turn to using knife since it's silent, it's a one hit kill, and I get annoyed when shooting doesn't kill a player (even after 2 clips).  Call of Duty players do have to admit that knifing is pretty fun.

Source: Youtube Channel southgat3

Camping / Sniping
Probably the most common tactic for players to start yelling in the microphone for.  Camping is when a player sits in an area waiting for players to pass by them and kill.  It's extremely effective when done right, and probably the most notorious tactic out of all FPS games.  Sniping usually requires a player to situate themselves far enough from danger while being able to kill opponents without being noticed.  For me, I usually despise camping since I have to wait for the action rather than being able to dive into it.  Even when I snipe, I have to move after every kill in order to avoid getting killed from behind or getting shot by another sniper.  But those that are good enough to find the right spots to hide can reach 30-50 kills a match in most modern shooters if done right.  I can't do it, I'm a camping noob (not a noob camper, those are two totally different things).  There are times where I love messing around with campers and snipers though (they're so focused on what's in front of them they don't know what's on the side or behind them).

Lag / Hit-Box Inaccuracies
Lag is near impossible to avoid in any online game, and it is the bane to the online experience in every game possible.  In FPS games, it's the difference between getting a head shot and totally missing.  Because of Lag, the hit-boxes doesn't display certain kills accurately.  So during a lag between players and the server, players will start to look like they're teleporting, some players won't be even able to move, and bullet contacts won't register as being hit since the player's graphic might be there, but not their hit-box.  This is what I meant by hit-box inaccuracies.  You could be well behind cover when running away and the opponent still kills you.  When you look at the killcam (if you're playing a game that even has that), then you'll see yourself getting killed before you even reach the place you went for cover.  This one is hard to argue and say that people that complain about lag are all noobs, because in most cases lag really does affect the game experience...A LOT!

Grief videos are fun to watch, but being the one the player is griefing can be a very annoying experience.   Griefing is when you...maybe it's better just to see it in action:

Source: Youtube Channel TEAMROOMBA

Source: Youtube Channel dsSLAY3R

Griefer - A player in a multiplayer video game that deliberately irritates and harasses other players. - Wikipedia

I'm not sure what else to say about this one.  Griefing is annoying when it happens to you, but it's pretty hilarious to see it happen to other players.

Aim-Bot Hackers
If you've played any online multiplayer FPS, you might have come across someone using Aim-Bot or accused of using one.  What is it?  This parody video sums it up:

Source: Youtube Channel freddiew

This parody reflects the actual thing pretty well.  Players are able to whip 180 degrees and get an immediate headshot on other players near them.  This is a legitimate complaint that really affects the community within a game and can kill off its player count because of hackers such as those using Aim-Bot.  I once had a aim-bot hacker reason with everyone saying "Chill out, it's just a game."  True, it is just a game; however, breaking the rules of the game destroys the whole structure and it no longer stands as a game but rather a playground for an individual to enjoy at the expense of every other player.  Could you imagine playing basketball and having a player teleport the ball into their hand and teleporting it once more into the net?  You no longer play the game but rather being a passive spectator.  If you're going to hack, cheat, or exploit a glitch, make sure it doesn't affect other players.

I've played a lot of FPS games in the past few years, and I mainly played multiplayer mostly these past two years and have seen many of these shenanigans and others happen in all FPS games.  Despite all these problems we have on FPS games from other players, people still play them.

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