Tuesday, March 15, 2011

GameLight - Battle: Los Angeles The Game

If you haven't seen ads and trailers for it, a movie called "Battle: Los Angeles" came out:

Source: Youtube Channel IGNentertainment

And just recently on Steam, I saw a game version out for only $10, hmmm...

Source: Youtube Channel BattleLAMovie

When I first saw the trailer for the movie, I was pretty interested in all the action.  Little did I know that it was going to be ill received by the critics.  As for the game, I heard that the quality is laughable and that the game is shorter than the movie.  Whaaat?  The game is shorter than the movie?  Even for $10, that is not very much.  I've paid games that were $2 on steam that lasted longer than that.  The game's mechanics is mediocre and doesn't have anything new to show off, but many of those who played through it got a laugh out of the bad voice acting and story telling.  Sad, I was thinking of getting it on Steam when I saw it, but I hesitated when I realized there wasn't multiplayer.  After reading some reviews, I'm going to have to pass on this.  I'm already having a difficult time deciding between Crysis 2, Homefront, Brink, and Killzone 3, so I think passing on Battle: Los Angeles will be okay.


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