Friday, April 1, 2011

VGCulture - Shu's Guide to April Fool's Day

April Fool's Day is a dangerous day for all gamers.  Rumors of untold games and trailers that crush the hopes many tend to show its face to the gullible and curious.  So here are a few tips I've made and followed throughout the many years of being on the internet during April Fool's Day:
1) If possible, don't use the internet.
2) If you have to use the internet, avoid opening any suspicious e-mails, links, or instant messages
3) If a friend asks you to "watch this" or "check this out", politely ask them to send it to you tomorrow
4) If for some reason you run into an amazing story that's too good to be true, read/watch it tomorrow
5) Stay cautious and if you do get April Fooled, laugh it off

Some of the past April Fool's Jokes has been:
-The Legend of Zelda Movie Trailer
-Bollywood's version of a Halo: Combat Evolved Movie Trailer
-The usual Rick Roll, Mudkipz, etc. video linked with an amazing story title.

So have a safe and healthy April Fool's Day and have a great weekend.

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