Monday, March 28, 2011

NewNews - Two Things This Week

I'm going to be having a very busy and tight schedule this week and so I'll be keeping posts brief, informative, and hopefully entertaining.  So this is a special week where two great things of interest are released:

Nintendo 3DS
I'm excited for it, but not desperate.  I really want a chance to try it out, but I don't plan on buying it until later (with perhaps an upgrade like the DS Lite had with the DS, or at least with an orange casing like the one I saw at E3).  If I bought it now, I'd buy Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition, Samurai Warriors: Chronicles, and maybe Kid Icarus: Uprising.

Source: Youtube Channel AlphaProtocol360

I'm still debating on getting Super Street Fighter IV on PS3 as well.  I'm still playing the original and still have a huge backlog of games, which is why I'm holding off on so many new ones.  I am actually really hoping for some sort of incredible action RPG to come out like another Phantasy Star game.  Phantasy Star Zero and Portable for the NDS and PSP respectively were really amazing games.

Dynasty Warriors 7
This might be one game I can't hold out on and might get very soon.  With Dynasty Warriors 6 being a disappointment in changing the characters unique characteristics from the previous installments, having duplicate animations for several characters, and having an incredibly dumbed down combo system, I am hoping for something great to come out of this one.

Source: Youtube Channel KOEIWarriorsMedia

I'm so excited for this game, you don't even know.  I've known about the Three Kingdoms series that Koei started back in the 80's and 90's when I watched my father playing them.  It became increasingly interesting to me (the history that is) and I continued to look for ways of learning about it (I really need to find the time to read the books).  As for the game itself, I'm having high hopes in it being great with lots of improvements and hopefully the developers didn't skimp out on extra features like custom officers or weapons customization, etc.  It releases on March 29th, hopefully it's good.

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