Friday, May 24, 2013

NewNews - Defiance Free Weekend on Steam

Steam Page:
Source: Youtube Channel MMORPGcom

TV show/game tie-in Defiance has been mentioned and praised by many editorials for being, well, fun.  It's an MMORPG played like 3rd-person shooter which makes me think of Tabula Rasa (I wish I had the chance to play that game).  Hearing that SyFy channel was involved in this project really worried when it was first announced, but both the show and the game seems to be doing fairly well.  The game doesn't have the best scores though.  They're not terrible, but they also leave some questions that needs to be answered.  It seems that the game itself is fun, but is repetitive and lacks content.  The developers explain that they focused on the core gameplay first and will continue to put out more content down the road.  I'm not sure what to make of this and I'm sure it's like that for many people on the fence in purchasing the game.  So this free weekend will help some of us answer some of those questions and will also be able to get the game for $41.99 this weekend from its usual $59.99.

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