Wednesday, May 29, 2013

GameLight - Fuse

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel pixelenemy

The studio behind the Resistance series releases Fuse, a team-based, third-person, co-op shooter that utilizes class-based mechanics to form a cohesive and interactive cooperative experience.  It released yesterday for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.  There seems to be a divide between those who enjoyed it and those who thought it was fun but unrefined.  With a focus on multiplayer, there doesn't seem to be many people enjoying a single-player experience.  There isn't a competitive multiplayer which means the replay value is entirely cooperative on other difficulty levels (if there is one).  From what I gather on the critics and players' sides, it seems the game was fun but not for the $60 they are charging for it.  So maybe if the price of the game was lower and one was able to find 3 other friends to join them, it'd probably be a really fun gaming experience.  Fuse is now available for Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 for $60.

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