Thursday, May 9, 2013

GameLight - Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate

Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel GamesHQMedia

I never did pick up Dead or Alive 5 when it released.  I was really happy that it came out for the PS3 and was going to buy it, but I had built up such a large backlog on my PS3 that I decided to cool it with buying games for it until I clear some of the backlog up first.  In the past month, I've been eying Dead or Alive 5 on Amazon for $20 but kept resisting.  Then just these past 2 weeks, it was revealed that Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate (PS Vita version) was going to be released on consoles as well.  This means more levels, more modes, more characters, and more content with the possibility of a $40 price tag.  A trailer was released on Gametrailers today (but I couldn't find the embed so I grabbed another alternate on YT) and it shows the arrival of Momiji from the Ninja Gaiden series.  It won't be released until Fall, so I guess I'll do a bit more waiting before picking up the game.  Hopefully I'll have finished some games before then.

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