Thursday, May 2, 2013

GameLight - Blade Symphony

Steam Page:
Source: Youtube Channel punyhumangames

So I was surfing through Steam's early access section and saw a trailer for a game called Blade Symphony.  Made by the team who modded Half-Life 1 and created Dystopia, this competitive multiplayer provides a variety of swords and styles for players to duel with each other.  It boasts itself for being a technical game so that winning would be based on skill and patience rather than button mashing and persistence.  Looking at it, it kind of reminds me of Gunz: The Duel.  It's $15 on steam's early access right now and can be played upon purchase; however, the game is considered in beta and will continue to change and improve as time goes on.  For more information on Blade Symphony, check the top link.

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