Tuesday, May 7, 2013

GameLight - The Showdown Effect

Steam Page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/204080/
Source: Youtube Channel VirTualGamers

This game was released back in March and was one I had somewhat of an interest in.  I had thought it was a game similar to Shoot Many Robots where it was a single-player run 'n gun platformer.  I had planned to get it when it went on sale, and it did today for $4.99.  That's when I realized that the game was entirely multiplayer.  The game is closer to games like Soldat or Gunster: Rain of Bullets where players run around to kill each other in a 2D platformer style gameplay.  Developed by the same team who made Magicka, The Showdown Effect takes references and influences from 80's and 90's movies for a whacky multiplayer experience.  The game does seem pretty fun with running up walls, sliding while shooting, flipping around the level and cutting each other with a katana; however, the fact that it's a multiplayer only game worries me.  Unless there's a strong community behind a multiplayer game, the game's practically pointless no matter how fun the game is.  Judging from the weak responses from forums to data collection, there doesn't seem to be that many people playing the game.  I could be wrong though and many people are playing it despite it not being talked about that much (much like MAG on the PS3, a strong community with very little mention in the media).  The game also has a new patch released today that adds 2 new levels and 2 new characters for free (which is surprising to me considering how many DLCs were made for Magicka).  With that, there's a chance that a community might have been re-established (Awesomenauts went through that and has a decent amount of players on now).  So if you're interested, click on the top link and grab "The Showdown Effect" for $5 and start shooting, flipping and slicing away.

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