Tuesday, May 28, 2013

GameLight - Sonic Lost World

Official JP Site: http://sonic.sega.jp/SonicLostWorld/
Source: Youtube Channel IGN

I hope everyone had a peaceful and fulfilling long weekend!  I was surprised with a trailer for the newest Sonic game today which included gameplay!  It seems Nintendo has swept up another game for itself as an exclusive for the Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo 3DS.  It reminds me of Super Mario Galaxy, but there has been mention that the game shows a lot of ideas from canceled Sonic game "Sonic X-treme".  When the game was mentioned last week, I heard it was going to involve dinosaurs and time travel to the past of some sort.  That really worried me.  Then I watch this video and the first thing that shows up is 6 very cartoon-ish, villain-type characters.  Though I haven't played Sonic Colors yet, it seems to have a similar aesthetic in character design.  I'm not sure what to think of the game yet, but I am happy to see another Sonic game.  It's going to be hard to live up to Sonic Generations, that's for sure.  No official release date, but supposedly out by the end of this year.  More information will probably be available at this year's E3.

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