Wednesday, May 1, 2013

GameLight Review - Zombies.

GMG Page:
Apple iOS:
Steam Greenlight:
Source: Youtube Channel touchgameplay

Developer: BigNic
Publisher: BigNic
Platforms: [PC], iOS
Release Date: October 08, 2012
Genre: Top-down shooter

+ Incredible, high-quality chip-house tunes by BigNic himself
+ Simple concept, challenging levels
+ Light hearted and humorous all the way through
+ Super cheap and affordable
+ Highly destructive environments

- Can be extremely repetitive
- No multiplayer mode, would've been a fun addition
- Earlier weapons become obsolete as newer weapons is all you need
- The game gets easier as you progress due to the weapon acquisition

Recommended: Maybe, buy the soundtrack if anything

I first took notice to the game during a promotion to get it for free but missed the opportunity.  I liked the music from the trailer and decided to look up a few more of the songs and loved them.  Thus, I purchased the game when it went on sale (then again, the game is only $4) and tried it out.  Despite looking retro with the pixel art, the sound effects, voices and music sound more modern and realistic than trying to be retro.  The humor is self-described as being dry, and yet it still made me laugh so it managed to be funny.  A lot of the humor is based of office-space environments and the hierarchy within a big corporate company.  The gameplay is  a lot like other top-down shooters where the player runs towards the goal while mindlessly shooting down enemies without getting killed.  The game is actually pretty challenging and interesting in the beginning when the weapons are weak, but quickly becomes insane and mindless as the player receives the stronger items.  What really contributed to the experience of the game is the music.  They possess a lot of energy, is really easy to get into, and sounds so new/fresh.  If anything, the music is what really made the game enjoyable.

Art-style: Retro-style 2D pixel sprites
+ Cute little pixel sprites!
+ Despite looking so retro, the game gets pretty dang bloody
+ Destructible environment satisfies my desire to destroy everything
+ Sound effects played a bit part in making destruction feel so satisfying
+ The voice acting and writing are weird and dry humor, but they made me laugh
+ Hands down, some of the best music I've listened to in an indie game

- Very little changes in environments throughout the game
- Projectiles are ridiculously small, they're 2-4 pixels flying through the air
- It's really hard to tell where you're going in some levels
Aesthetics: 8/10

Controller: Keyboard and mouse
+ WASD move and mouse aim/fire feels familiar and easy to pick up
+ Easily switch between weapons with mouse scroll or number row keys
+ Keys can be customized/changed

- Get stuck in everything, from corners to sides to walls to chairs
Buttons: 7/10

Concept & Content
Core Concept: Kills zombies, save survivors, destroy everything
+ The humor in the cut-scenes between each level had its charm
+ Being able to destroy anything and everything was satisfying
+ It's obvious that the music was a big part of the game's development
+ The game is simple but still entertaining

- The game gets easier as the player gets farther in the game
- Bosses were funny, but ultimately similar and boring fights
Concept and Content: 7/10

+ Each level is fairly short, so there isn't a lot of time commitment in playing
+ The game is very short, but it feels like it's at a decent length
+ Endless mode allows the player to continually kill an infinite stream of enemies

- I can't play for long durations, the game gets way too mind-numbingly boring
Duration: 7/10

+ The music is what really got me to play the game, amazing work
+ The art style, humor and sfx all worked cohesively to make this game fun
+ Despite the game getting easier, I still had fun blowing everything up
+ It was a really good game for me to play to kill some time
+ I was really shocked to find out this entire game was made by one guy

- It's a shame boss battles weren't more dynamic, interesting designs though
- I did have fun with the game, but I don't feel compelled to play it again
Fun: 8/10

If you have low expectations and are not bothered by mindless top-down shooting gameplay, Zombies might be able to provide and entertaining experience.  It's a really good game to kill time and/or relax to.  Everything that BigNic put into contributed to making this regular top-down shooter a experience of its own: the retro style graphics, the energetic chip-house tunes, and the humor.  I did enjoy the game, but it's not one I find myself playing again.  The music, on the other hand, will be something I'll be listening to often.  If you're interested in the game, but want it on Steam platform, go upvote it on Steam Greenlight right now.  Overall: 7.4/10

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