Wednesday, July 20, 2011

GameLight - Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

Just after announcing the cancellation of Megaman Legends 3 for the Nintendo 3DS, Capcom reveals 14 new characters to join the next iteration of MvC3.  Hmm, trying to get Capcom fans forget about the sadness of the canceled game?

Source: Youtube Channel OfficialMvC3

I'm not so keen on buying another Disc for the game, but I also really do not like DLCs that much (I like the physical object for games generally).  But despite that, I'm very excited about the new (and a few old) characters joining MvC3.  I haven't much played the game recently because I've been so hooked on Terraria, but I also haven't lost interest in the game either.  MvC3 truly is a great game and one that should continue to grow (without having to keep charging players so much for).  Three new characters I'm excited to play as are Phoenix Wright from the Ace Attorney Series, Frank West from the Dead Rising Series, and Firebrand from the Gargoyle Series (spin-off from Ghost 'n Goblins Series).  I'm also happy to see the return of Strider Hiryu, who I sucked at playing but always chose to play anyways.  It's also a pleasant surprise to see Ghost Rider added after he made a cameo in Dante's Ending, but it's going to suck fighting him after seeing videos of his long reach with the chain.  It's also cool to see Hawkeye get added too.  I think a lot of people are angry about the addition of Vergil and Nemesis as other desired characters were not added when these two were.  The number one character people keep asking back for is Megaman, and with the cancellation of Megaman Legends 3, it keeps reminding the fans the lack of exposure of the blue bomber.  We can only hope.

Complete list of new characters:


Frank West
Phoenix Wright


Ghost Rider
Dr Strange
Rocket Raccoon
Iron Fist

-Joystiq: Entire Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 character roster leaks (Phoenix Wright!)
-Kotaku: Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Brings Twelve New Fighters at a Budget Price 

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