Thursday, July 21, 2011

GameLight - Lollipop Chainsaw

I have yet to play the "No More Heroes" series or "Shadows of the Damned", but I plan to.  With those two great games out, developer Grasshopper Manufacture has already announced their next project for the consoles called "Lollipop Chainsaw".  It's a cheerleading schoolgirl who wields a chainsaw to kill zombies.  It's going to be heavily pop orientated with pink light gushing out of a decapitated zombie with pop music and whole lot of bright colors.  It seems as though Suda51 (Nickname of the main developer) had been working on this game alongside "Shadows of the Damned" and is already 70% complete.
 The game looks wacky and absurd, but it seems to be Suda51's specialty in making a game fun and entertaining.  There isn't much detail on how the game will play, but I suppose it'd be more or less like his past 3 games.  I'll keep an eye out for this one, but I should definitely play their other games first.

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