Saturday, July 9, 2011

GameOn - Steam Summer 2011 Day 10

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 [Today's Deals]
-Hitman Franchise Sale - I bought this pack a while back and played a bit of the earliest iteration and I'm failing to see what's so great about the game so far.  I haven't played enough of it, so maybe it'll get better.  It's a 3rd-Person Action game.
-Neverwinter Nights 2 Platinum: $ 6.79 - I was sorely disappointed with this game as the combat in the game is super slow (unrealistically slow).  The customization and content is amazing, but once you start fighting it's so unbearably slow that it's frustrating.  I'm really hoping the next Neverwinter Nights will be different. It's a top-down "Action" (riiiiiight...) RPG.
-Supreme Commander 2: $3.74 - If you like a bit of action and chaos in your RTS games, then this might satisfy that particular desire.  It's a strategy game.
-Dead Space Franchise Sale - Honestly, I think Dead Space is a hilarious game.  Yes, it can be scary, but it can also be really fun and humorous if you know how to face the horrors in a different way.  Think of it like this: weird sickle-like limbed creature comes toward you to kill you.  You chop off their legs and they fall to the ground. You pick up their legs with a gravity pull and chuck it back at their face and it kills them.  You pick up their body and throw it at their buddies behind him and then toss them down a dark chasm.  Yeah, it's pretty fun.  I never beat the game since the game crashed and wasn't able to launch again, so I gave up.  But one day, I will play through the first one and beat it while playing through the 2nd one as well.  Dead Space is a 3rd-Person Shooter Horror Game.
-Prince of Persia Franchise Sale - I wanna get the whole series since I haven't played through it, but I was turned off by the fact that some of them at DRM protections.  Things like these can cause problems when trying to play the game.  If the internet is down, you can't play.  If the DRM doesn't recognize the connection or amount of installs, you can't play.  It's entirely understandable that the companies want to protect their games, but I'm really iffy about the methods used to protect the games as it is affecting the paying customers more than the pirates.  Hmm, seeing how I have a lot of games, I'll buy this pack around winter time then...  Prince of Persia is a 3rd-Person Action Adventure game.
-Duke Nukem Forever: $24.99 - The Duke needs your purchase, but honestly I never had that much interest in the 3D Duke Nukem.  I always liked playing the 2D DN games for some reason. DNF is a First-Person Shooter.
-Portal 2: $24.99 - Eh, for a game that I'll probably play for a few hours with a friend, I rather wait till it's at a much lower price before I get it.  Portal 2 is a First-Person puzzle platformer.
-Terraria: $2.49 - This is the game I was waiting for all this time!  Terrarria is a indie developed game which has a sandbox based gameplay as well as adventure like modes such as exploration and boss battles.  I have a friend who's accumulated over 100+ hours on it already and I am just so compelled by the sandbox gameplay and boss battles that I couldn't resist.  I resisted Minecraft (also a really fun game), but I couldn't resist this one.  Terraria is a 2D Action-Adventure RPG.

[Steam Achievements - Daily Missions]
Some of these Achievements have become a nightmare and I am starting to skip some of them.  I spent hours on some of them and still couldn't achieve them because of the pure randomly generated aspects and chance on some of them.  There's barely any I could do today, which is fine.  I'm getting tired from doing them.
-Post Apocalyptic Mayhem: Adjust a Tuning Slider and save the new setting - Is that an option function?  If so, that's pretty easy.
-X3: Terran Conflict - Destroy a Solar Power Plant - Isn't that something you usually do in the game anyways?  The game looks too complicated for my tastes.
-Portal 2: Never lose a cube in Chamber 6 of the Mobility Gels co-op course - Oh wow, this is gonna be a tough one for Portal 2 players unless they've played it a lot already.
-Hydrophobia: Prophecy: Player must use the environment to take down 3 Malthusians with fire! - More achievements that requires the player to do something totally different to get.
-Nimbus: Bump the meat onto the grill on World 2-4! - If you looked at the game, it seems a bit difficult just to play.  Perhaps bumping a bit of meat to the grill shouldn't be too bad.
-Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter: Find a secret under water - Wow, that is very vague.  The player is going to have to go through the game swimming around everywhere.  I don't remember a secret being underwater from the original, but it's been a while since I've played it.
-Altitude: Interrupt an enemy's afterburners with Loopy's EMP grenade. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. - Is that truly easy?  The game requires knowing how to maneuver to do that.
-Turba: In one combo, clear at least 5 blocks of each color, 2 silver blocks and 1 bomb block.  Those red blocks are real party animals - This is the only game I have for today's missions that I could do.  This shouldn't be too bad.  I don't really like the game unfortunately.  It doesn't do well as a puzzle game and even less so as a music/rhythm game.
-Honest Feedback: Post a comment on a friend's screenshot - as long as you have friends on Steam with at least one screenshot, this should be easy.

Tomorrow's the last day of sales.  I'm very curious as to what it will be.  I've already got most of the games I want except for Brink.  Even then, I'm fearing that the game might be unpopulated like Homefront is.

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