Saturday, July 2, 2011

GameOn - Steam Summer 2011 Day 3

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[Today's Deals]
-Bioshock Franchise: $4.99 each - I bought both Bioshock 1 & 2 in Steam's Winter 2010 sales and so far I'm liking the the game.  It's more difficult than I thought and proves to be challenging, which I like.  Bioshock is a First-Person Shooter Action-Adventure game with RPG elements.
-Half-Life 2 Franchise Sale - Half-Life and Half-Life 2 are ground breaking games in terms of narrative in how a story can be told without cinematics or without cutting the player from the gameplay.  Half-Life was pretty amazing (and I played it years after its release).  I'm currently working on HL2 and plan on getting episode 1 and 2.  The Half-Life series is a Sci-Fi First-Person Shooter.
-Resident Evil 5: $14.99 - If you can find a friend to play with, this game can be really fun.  The controls take a bit of getting used to and the game is a lot more action orientated compared to its predecessors which had a lot of free-roaming and non-linear puzzles to fulfill to progress.  RE5 is an Action Horror-Survival Game.
-Magicka: $3.39 - This game started as a indie game competition submission and was worked on to be released as a full fledged games.  The game is tons of fun and hilarious when it's not frustrating, especially playing with friends.  The game has a lot of bugs and problems, and its DLCs cost more than the game itself, but the core game is really fun.  Magicka is an ACTION game, yes action, not an RPG.  It looks and feels sorta like an RPG, but it's an Action game.
-Fable 3: 24.99 - Previous installments of Fable were fun, but got boring after a while.  Fable 3 is more or less the same from what I heard.  Those who enjoy open-world and open-ended gameplay in their RPGs should check this game out.
-Plants vs. Zombies: $3.39 - The highly acclaimed Strategy Defense game has sold millions, MILLIONS!  The game is easy for anyone to learn, but challenging enough to keep even the most hard core gamers interested.
-Darksiders: $4.99 - I really need to try this game out sometime.  I heard it's like a mature version of The Legend of Zelda.  So I guess expect it to be an open world Action-Adventure game?
-Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Franchise Sale: $5.00 for core game - If you're more interested in the team-based objectives gameplay of First-Person Shooters, then BFBC2 is a must-buy.  Maps are large, gameplay is very challenging, and the community is still very strong.  Beware though that the game can be extremely frustrating as you'll be going against players who might be very good while being in a team where everyone's confused.  BFBC2 is a Tactical First-Person Shooter.
-Super Meat Boy: $7.49 - If you like a challenge, then SMB is for you.  If you crave for a game that is unforgiving and anger inducing, then SMB is for you.  If you're looking for a game that's affordable, has a long gameplay life, and gives a sense of accomplishment for each completed level, then you need to buy this game!  Super Meat Boy is a hardcore Platformer.

[Steam Achievements - Daily Missions]
-Magicka: Experience Rain and/or Blizzard 20 times during one versus match - That sounds difficult.  I haven't tried versus match yet, but I'm hoping it's game over after one death.  If that's the case, it's going to be difficult to get this achievement.
-HOARD: Cause 20 groups of fireworks to go off in a Hoard Mode level - Is this hard?
-Jolly Rover: Send a shipmate on a trip to remember - Another one of those point-n-click adventure games I think.  I wonder how far into the game you'd have to get to be able to perform that action.
-Super Meat Boy: Spend as little time in hell as possible - What does that mean?  Does it mean the alternative world?  I'm going to need to look that up before I try.
-Garshasp: Throw ten enemies in the water while on the raft - The game got a 50/100 on Metacritic, that's pretty bad.  But I play bad games to learn from them in a design standpoint, so I might get it since it's only $2.50.  I just hope it's not excruciatingly bad (like Golden Axe Beast Rider, that was really bad...).
-Introduce yourself: Post a comment on a friend's profile page - Same as last year, easy as posting a message to a friend's facebook.

Day 3!  GameOn!

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