Tuesday, June 7, 2011

VGCulture - E3 2011 Day 1

ARGH!  I wish I was actually at E3 taking pictures, doing interviews and seeing what's actually there.  You'd be surprised how many games are showcased there but aren't covered by the media.  Too many big name companies outshining all the smaller games.  I guess I'll check out the indie game sites to see what they got there at E3 later.  Anyways, there were a lot of big name companies that announced and showed stuff that got me excited.  Here was one of the biggest ones:

Nintendo Announces Wii U and controller
IT'S A TOUCH SCREEN CONTROLLER!  Wait what?  The rumors were true?

Source: Youtube Channel IGNentertainment

So my first reaction was "wow, it's so chunky.  It can't be comfortable to hold."  Well, it doesn't look as bad when viewing the back of the controller.  I can't really tell unless I've tried it myself.  It didn't get me as hyped up as the Wii did when I first heard its announcement (and the first Wii video didn't even have game footages), but I'm already convinced at buying one (probably not immediately) looking at the possibilities of the system.

Source: Youtube Channel IGNentertainment

It actually reminds me of how the Gamecube had the Gameboy Advance compatibility to play using the screen on the gameboy and the TV (Zelda and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles).  The Wii U controller has a gyroscope, motion sensing, a mic, speakers, camera, and DS style touch screen.  And it seems like a lot of Wii peripherals will still be used for this new system (smart move).  There are so many possibilities with this new combined concept, I really hope developers work hard on making REAL games and stop making gimmicky casual games.

New Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS
NEW SUPER SMASH BROS!  Not only that, but also on the 3DS.  It was hinted that there will be some sort of connectivity between the two when they're finally released.  Oh man, that is some pretty heavy news, but we're probably not going to see it until 2013 or 2014 see how Super Smash Bros. Brawl took so long.  Doesn't matter though, because they took the time to make it as balanced and refined as possible and didn't delay in indefinitely.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Gameplay footages
Am I excited about MW3?  Not really.  Do I want to play it?  Yeah.  I feel really weird about Modern Warfare 3 actually being developed and all with a lot of the original crew gone.  The only thing I can think of being able to support them is looking out for their future projects and buying them when they release.  With Modern Warfare 3, I may want to try it before I decide to buy it for the multiplayer.  If it's campaign I want to play only, I'll just borrow it.  Anyways, footage here:

Source: Youtube Channel tonyliu

Battlefield 3 Frostbite 2 Features
The game looks amazing and the graphics are incredible!  With audio, I hope it's as good as Medal of Honor (2010) because that game seriously got me hooked because of the quality of recording and output of the sound.  There's going to be Multiplayer co-op campaign too!

Source: Youtube Channel Battlefield

I wonder what other surprises we'll see the next two days~

-Engadget - The Wii U controller, revealed! (video)
-Joystiq - Smash Bros announced for Wii U and 3DS

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