Monday, June 6, 2011

VGCulture - E3 2011 Press Conference (Sony & Microsoft)

E3 starts tomorrow.  Tomorrow, we'll get a glimpse at the future on what's to come, what to expect, and what might fail.  Press Conferences for Sony and Microsoft were held today that piqued my curiousity (more like shocked me into going OMGWTFBBQ!).

Sony's PSP2 is called the Sony PlayStation Vita
Wait, what?  It's going to be called Vita?  Before I start saying how odd and dumb of a name it is, I am reminded that I thought the Gameboy Dual Screen was an odd name (but it caught on with DS).  I also thought the change from Nintendo Revolution to Wii was absurd.  But it became normal and people were okay with it.  I'm not sure, but maybe it'll just catch on just by calling it the PSV.

"Vita means life," said Kazuo Hirai, president and group chief executive officer of Sony Computer Entertainment. "And we're confident that Vita will be the first product that blurs the lines between reality and interactive entertainment." - Cnet Reviews

Source: Youtube Channel screwattack

Microsoft announces...Halo 4
Though I'm not surprised that the series didn't end just like that, I was shocked to see that it followed the numerical order of the main series.  What happened to "ending the fight?"  I feel bad that I didn't play the campaign of Halo 3.  I didn't even get a chance to play ODST and Reach at all, so I have no idea what Halo is like now.  I liked Halo when I had access to play it (friend's house, university's arcade, PC), but now I'm so out of the loop that I've almost forgotten about Halo.  At the moment, who cares about Halo 4.  Let me play the last three Halo releases!

Source: Youtube Channel G4TV

Mass Effect 3 is compatible with Kinect
How...odd.  Playing the game entirely of motion control sounds like a frustrating scenario, but I think there are things about it that can be really cool.  Being able to point to a direction and use voice command to have your team mates attack, suppress fire, defend and such sound much more practical than trying to deal with weird HUD commands and aiming your cursor everywhere.  Also, maybe they'll had head tracking so you can move in and out of cover in real-time.  But what was announced was the ability to command things with your voice while the player still uses a controller to play the game.

Source: Youtube Channel Mac11em

I hope they show a lot of good games this year.  I was excited by a lot of games last year, but I think it's mainly because I was actually there.  It would've been interesting to go again this year, oh well.

-Joystiq: PlayStation Vita launches globally by end of 2011, starting at $249 
-Joystiq: Halo 4 finishes the fight (again) in 2012 [Update: teaser trailer!]
-Joystiq: Mass Effect 3 gets Kinect support with voice recognition
-Cnet: E3 2011: Sony debuts PlayStation Vita, its next-gen handheld

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