Friday, June 10, 2011

VGCulture - Reflection on E3 2011

Honestly, this was a long week for me.  I've been sick for the past week, had a lot of work to do, and seem to be lacking in strength despite going to sleep earlier now.  For E3, it was fast like always.  In 3 days, over 700 games were announced, showcased, and demoed at the floor show of the LA Convention Center.  Here are some of my choice highlights of this year's E3 2011:

Dark Souls
I was already excited to hear about a sequel to Demon's Souls, but to watch some of the gameplay and hear about some of the changes between its predecessors and its current state was a total treat:

Source: Youtube Channel IGNentertainment

Dark Souls is sure to deliver a compelling experience as Demon's Souls did with challenging gameplay, monstrous bosses, and epic multiplayer quests and PVP.  This is one game I'm definitely going to buy.

Nintendo Wii U
So it's not a big surprise that Nintendo came out with a new system as speculations have raised such rumors since the end of last year.  Even with confirmed reports of Nintendo having a touch screen on their new controller, the system was a really big buzz and had an impression on me as well as many others.  I guess I'm excited about it since I'm hoping for more developers working on Nintendo systems once again for 3DS as well as the Wii U (also hoping for a decline in Wii game prices so I can buy some more), but I know I'm not going to buy it the day it releases.

Blacklight Retribution
Blacklight: Tango Down was one of the games that had the biggest impression on me when I was at E3 2010 last year.  It wasn't entirely new and innovative in terms of First-Person Shooters, but I liked the futuristic theme, the customizations, and challenging mission modes.  The game didn't take off and had a lot of problems that needed to be fixed, but it wasn't done in time to save it (at least for the PC version) as server went empty very quickly.  A while ago, there was reports that a sequel was in the making and that it was going to be free and published by Perfect World.  It was demoed at E3 this year, but I didn't really see any mentions by any media other than

Source: Youtube Channel MovieManiacsDE

Blacklight: Tango Down had a lot of problems that needed to be fixed such as incredibly long match making and intermission times, in-game lag, players die faster than those of Call of Duty Modern Warfare which is already pretty fast, map designs that favored spawn campers, and many more.  But despite all that, I enjoyed playing Blacklight: Tango Down.  Multiplayer is empty now (literally), but I still jump into the game once in a while to play Black Ops (mission mode).  And from the video, it looks like Blacklight improved tremendously in Retribution.  I am very excited to see more on the game and am anticipating for its official release.

Professor Layton and the Last Specter, Dragon Quest Monster - Joker 2, Ninja Gaiden 3, DMC (Devil May Cry), The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Soul Calibur V, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Sonic Generations, Elder Scroll V: Skyrim
All these follow ups and sequels reminded me that I need to finish up their predecessors if I want to be ready for their releases.  Out of this collection, I would say that Final Fantasy XIII-2 is the one I would want to buy first since I'm so behind everything else.

Dragon's Dogma
This is one of the new titles that isn't a follow up that struck me as impressive.  The aspects I liked most from the trailers were the large bosses, open-world gameplay, and European medieval setting.

Source: Youtube Channel BNGamesReviews

It won't be out till next year, so my excitement was extinguished as there so many other games to look forward to that are coming out soon.

Battlefield 3 & Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
These two are an obvious center of attention to many First-Person Shooter fans.  Both are looking pretty interesting so far, but I would like to see more.  I'm still not very sure how I feel about MW3 because of all the tension between ex-Infinity Ward employees and Activision, but I'm still hoping that the game turns out to be really good.  The story and gameplay drove quite a bit of influence into the industry and it would be a shame to end the trilogy on a bad note.  Battlefield 3 has convinced me with its trailers of the campaign that it's going to be a much deeper experience for single-player than any other Battlefield has done before.  I'm not sure what multiplayer is going to be like, but I hope they don't cut out too much on the PS3 since I plan to get that version due to my laptop's inability to support such a demanding game.  I mean, look at these graphics:

Source: Youtube Channel TheLPVideogames

I may have missed some other great games to mention, but they'll get their glory when it's time for them to release.

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