Monday, June 20, 2011

VGCulture - Free2Play Valve Game

So there's speculation, nay, a confirmed response from Valve that they're going to release a game with the micro-transaction business model.  Last week, Valve launched their news of hosting free-to-play online games on the Steam platform.  I tried them and realized you still have to create an account on each individual publisher's site.  It doesn't change that much other than having the services of Valve's Steam program such as Steam messenger/voice chat, easier downloads, achievements, and such.  It sure made it easier for me to download the games I wanted to play (namely Forsaken World and Spiral Knights).

Source: Youtube Channel HirezStudios

So it's been confirmed that a free-to-play game is going to release, but what kind of game is it?  The speculation now is that it's going to be Defense of the Ancients 2 (DotA 2).  A while ago, Icefrog of one of the original designers for DotA on the Warcraft 3 engine was announced to have been hired by Valve to work on a game with them.  Shortly after, the term "DotA" was copyrighted by Valve.  So the possibility that Valve's DotA 2 is likely to be the free-to-play game.  This has me excited, I was planning on buying it but wasn't sure if I would play it all too often.  Without having to pay for it, I won't have to worry about playing enough of it to make it worth the amount I paid for.  I'm really not sure how the rest of the gaming community will react to this.  Sure, there are a lot of DotA fans and players, but there's a lot of League of Legends and Heroes of Newerth players that didn't start from DotA.  We won't know how this will turn out.  Only time will tell.

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