Friday, June 17, 2011

GameLight - F.E.A.R. 3

Official Site:

Source: Youtube Channel IGNentertainment

FEAR 3 comes out in 3 days, and so Steam has a weekend deal for pre-orders and for the FEAR collection pack which includes FEAR 1 & 2 with 2 DLCs for $9.99  I've never played any of the FEAR games but was told that it was really good.  I'm not too fond of horror games, but I do have an interest in them.  I like horror games lot more than I do than horror movies.  In the movies, you have a dumb cast of kids who run towards the danger.  Yeah, it's scary, but it usually frustrates me watching the characters do things they shouldn't do.  In horror games, you have control over the situations and are more involved (at least that's I usually feel).  I like the Resident Evil series mainly because I like the story and suspense.  The gore isn't excessive and doesn't make me feel queasy or sick.  Dead Space was sort of violent, but it was also a hilarious game being able to chop off legs and be able to throw them back at the enemy.  FEAR is a FPS horror game, and so it feels pretty awesome to be able to shoot at monstrosities rather than be defenseless.  FEAR 3 seems to allow the player to be the one that others fear as well as being the victim.  So far, the trailers and videos look good.  I'm possibly going to buy the $10 FEAR collection and try out the first two games.  And if you want the most out of the experience, you can follow one of my friend's advice by turning off the lights, play on a wide screen TV with surround sound, and play it by yourself.  I did that a lot for Doom 3 (got kinda boring) and Dead Space (that was fun).  In any case, I'm not a huge fan of FEAR (at least not yet) so I don't think I'll be getting FEAR 3.  Maybe I will in the future when I've decided whether I like the series or not from the first two.

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