Wednesday, June 8, 2011

GameLight - Games of E3 2011 Day 2

I actually had a difficult time trying to find games that I haven't heard about or seen trailers to already.  Despite that, I tried to scrounge up what I could and share what I can:

Ninja Gaiden 3 - It's surprising, but it's going to be available on the Nintendo WiiU.  I didn't think such a violent game was going to make it onto the WiiU, but it is.  Not that I really care since I have yet to beat the first one and haven't even tried the 2nd.
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - I saw this last year at E3 and didn't get to play it!  My friends tried it and thought it was pretty good in terms of mimicking actual sword movements from the wiimote.  I didn't pay too much attention to it this year, especially since I'm not even at E3 this time, but I'll keep an eye out for the release.
Kirby Mass Attack - A DS game that isn't a platformer, but sort of like a strategy game of sorts.  Remember Kirby Canvas Curse?  It's kind of like that, but with lots of Kirbys:

Source: Youtube Channel foreverkirby

Final Fantasy XIII-2 - I WILL play FF13 some time soon as soon as I finish Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Devil May Cry 4, and Eternal Sonata!  Looking at FF13-2, it doesn't look like anything too new.  But it's a Final Fantasy game and I will buy it and play through it despite how much critics and fanboys hate it!
Dragon's Crown - I was hoping to see a new new, a new franchise among all the big name series that's getting their sequels or follow ups.  I ran into a trailer for Dragon's Crown and I can't really determine whether it's going to be a game to look out for or one to pass.  For one thing, the boobs on the Amazon and Sorceress is just rediculous...On the other hand, it kind of looks like a 4-player Golden Axe.  Hmm...

Source: Youtube Channel GAMEBLOGfr

Dragon's Dogma - Okay, a game I've never heard of and am seeing for the first time.  Wow, I am very impressed and already want it.  Action game with open-ended gameplay with European Medieval setting?  Seriously, I blame Demon's Souls for wanting to play all these types of Medieval style games, but god dang this game looks amazing!

Source: Youtube Channel IGNentertainment

Dark Souls - I just mentioned Demon's Souls just now, of course I've got to mention its follow up "Dark Souls".  Showing gameplay of Demon's Souls and Dark Souls doesn't do justice for how fun the game is.  The game is about exploration, patience, and learning from past mistakes.  Most gameplay videos show the player slashing up zombies that just stand there, so it usually looks boring.  The most exciting part for non-fans is probably the dragon, but it doesn't show nearly enough.  Doesn't matter, definite buy for me.

Source: Youtube Channel IGNentertainment

Street Fighter X Tekken - The game looks pretty good thus far, but watching the gameplay videos didn't have nearly the same effect that Marvel vs. Capcom 3 did for me.  I'll probably get the game eventually when it comes out.  I like Street Fighter and Tekken, and to have them mix into one game is pretty interesting (and still weird, mainly for the Tekken characters).
Soul Calibur V - I'm not sure if I even care about this one because I barely touched Soul Calibur IV.  I played Soul Calibur II like crazy back in the Gamecube days, but I had more time and less games back then.  If I ever get around to fully playing enough of Soul Calibur IV that would warrant a fifth one, then I'll get it.
Inversion - Third-Person Shooter with gravity defying elements.  Half of me says "cool!"  The other half is going "meh..."  I've been playing so many shooters these past 6 years that I've become very critical of them.  I can definitely tell the differences between them and appreciate each one, but there are a lot of shooters which seem to be copy (parts)-paste with glitters on top of the most basic of shooters which makes for a rather unremarkable experience.  Let's hope Inversion isn't one of them.
Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online - I guess it's cool that they're bringing SF3:TS back to the players with online support, but I can only imagine hardcore fans buying it.  SF3:TS is tourney intensive and I've seen a lot of non-tourney players play it competitively at the arcade.  So it's not going to really attract a large crowd, but I suppose that's what Capcom wants.
Super Mario 3D - I never know what to think about Mario games anymore.  Everytime I look at one, I don't think too much of it.  But I sincerely have a lot of fun when playing a Mario game.  So watching the trailer for the game didn't do too much for me, but I'm hoping to one day play it on the 3DS.
Asura's Wrath - The gameplay looks interesting.  It kind of reminds me of Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star where he delivers ridiculous amounts of punches to the enemy.  I'm not too crazy about the game so far, but I will keep an eye on it.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - I am still trying to get through the first Deus Ex right now and find that the new one has a approach.  I'm sure there's still going to be a lot of stealth, and I'm very open minded about changes.  A lot of Deus Ex fans seemed to have not liked the sequel, but I heard good things about that one too.  I'm hoping that Deus Ex: Human Revolution will turn out to be a hit, it looks really fun.
Sonic Generations - I actually am not up to date with Sonic games, and a lot of disappointment seemed to have come from the fans in the past decade or so of releases.  Sonic Generations will have both 3D and 2D gameplay, but will that really satisfy the community?
Devil May Cry (DMC) - I still find it weird to see a younger, disgruntled Dante with a disfigured face that doesn't seem like it'd be able to grow up to the Dante we know and love.  So far, the gameplay and trailers haven't really appealed to me, but I think seeing some boss battles might eventually change my mind later on.
Crimson Alliance - It's a Gauntlet-like game for Xbox Live Arcade.  It actually looks pretty decent.  Seeing how Torchlight is limited to only one player, I'm sure Xbox 360 players who are looking for a co-op game to play would like to try this game out.
XCOM - Don't hate me...but I've never played or even heard of Xcom until the FPS reboot was announced...I'm sorry...But yeah, the reboot is actually looking pretty good right now.  As long as it's not a straight up FPS and has some depth in its gameplay, I might be interested in trying it out.
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - It looks like it's coming out on 11/11/11.  I've never played a Elder Scroll game before, but now is probably a good time to whip out the ES4: Oblivion sitting on my shelf and give it a go!

Source: Youtube Channel Gawdsbud

Kid Icarus Uprising - It's been announced that there will be 3 versus 3 capabilities.  The gameplay looks magnificent and multiplayer looks rather challenging.  A lot of good games for 3DS will be coming out this summer, but I'm still not sure if it's worth getting one right now.
Rhythm Heaven - I'm not sure if I really want this if it doesn't have the option to switch the audio to Japanese.  I played the original two Rhythm Tengoku (or Rhythm Heaven in English) in Japanese and cringed at the English dubs when it was translated.  Give me a Japanese audio option!!!
Dead or Alive Dimension - Dead or Alive is one of the fighting games I don't have in my collection of fighting games, and I'd like to get this one if I get a 3DS as previous titles were released on consoles I didn't own.  So far, the game looks pretty solid.  The only problem is finding friends who would want to play a fighting game (other than Street Fighter) with me, hmm...(I have the same problem with MMOs).

That's it for now, I have no idea what to report tomorrow.  I'm hoping for a surprise.

Sources: Browsed around game sites and just looked for names and videos on Youtube

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