Tuesday, June 28, 2011

VGCulture - Free 2 Play n00bs

This is something I should have noticed before, but Free 2 Play games has quite the assortment of people.  It's not a surprise since the game is "free" and anyone can play it.  The big problem is just that: "ANYONE" can download and join everyone else to play, even the most undesirable, idiotic, or uncooperative players are on there.

Source: Youtube Channel Iasonas03

 Over the weekend, I played some Global Agenda with some friends and convinced them to try the game out since it was free now.  It was a little difficult for everyone since it was new to them, but at least we were able to coordinate a little since I've had the game since last July.  Two of my friends left our party and it was my friend and I with two random people.  Usually when I play mission mode, the other players generally know what they're doing.  But when the mission began, I had one team mate rush in by himself with a melee weapon trying to hack at everything he sees.  Naturally he dies.  He responded to the death by saying "Sorry guys, this is my first time!"  I gave the simple advice telling him "don't rush in and you'll be fine."  And throughout the mission, he was always charging in and got killed repeatedly.  Our other team mate stood in the wide open and pretty much ignored the rest of us which eventually got him killed a few times.  I notice the inexperience that some people have in F2P games since they're usually MMORPGs and everyone's doing their own thing or it's an FPS and pretty much run and gun.  I suppose I notice it a bit when I play League of Legends, but sometimes I'm the n00b playing.  Sometimes, n00bs are hardly the problem in the community of F2P online games.  There are ragers, quitters, hackers, spammers, glitchers, griefers, and many other players that join a game and ruin the game experience for everyone else.  With Team Fortress 2 going free, I don't think it's too big of a problem.  Most players before it became F2P didn't care too much about the objective either, so it usually turns into an endless killing game for everyone.  So even if the quality of F2P online games are getting better and better, the community doesn't seem to improve.  This is very debatable since even retail games have its own bad communities.  Most are to point out players of the Call of Duty series being 7-12 year old little boys screaming every known profanity in the English language while some dude in his mid-20's is laughing their butt off at every little rage they get out of the kid.  I love F2P games, but I'm starting to understand why some people are so against it.  This is especially true for those who used to play a game that was retail before it became F2P such as Global Agenda.  What I do like about the transition to a lot of these games is that servers are a lot more populated now.

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