Wednesday, June 29, 2011

GameLight - Resident Evil Mercenaries 3D

Resident Evil Mercenaries 3D for the Nintendo 3DS is looking pretty good.  It seems to be much more action orientated much like the challenge modes for Resident Evil 5 rather than having a full fledged Story mode, which probably might work out better for a handheld.  That doesn't mean the game isn't going to be shallow (or at least I hope not).  The game will have a deep customization system allowing the player to gain new weapons, upgrade them, and switch around loadouts.  So far so good:

Source: Youtube Channel IGNentertainment

There seems to be a problem with the game that has customers and retail shops going crazy.  Apparently, the programmers took out the ability to delete the one and only save file the game has which automatically saves every time you do something.  In a design perspective, it sounds like a super hardcore mode where everything is solidified and can't be changed (be it good or bad).  Most games with a hardcore mode will have the player lose everything they worked for when they lose and have them start over.  For Capcom, that didn't seem to be enough.  If the player lost everything, they had to live with it because there was no way of deleting that save file that one might have screwed up on.  The major problem a lot of players and retail stores had with this implementation (or lack thereof) was that players who wanted to sell their games back couldn't get back much for it because it was difficult for a retail store to sell a used game that they can't even create their own file on.  Because of this, a lot of retail stores has declined the ability to sell back Resident Evil Mercenaries 3D.  I think they eventually worked things out and are now allowing sell backs.  A price for how much players would get back wasn't announced.

I'm not sure if I'll be getting this game, mainly because I don't have a Gameboy 3DS yet and don't plan on getting one anytime soon.  I would definitely like to try it out though as it seems to be a really fun co-op game to play (as RE5 was).

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