Friday, October 25, 2013

GameLight - Contagion

Steam Page:
Source: Youtube Channel MonochromeLLC

I had a lot of fun playing cooperative multiplayer on Cry of Fear with my friends.  It was quite an experience because it was scary, but I faced it with my friends which led to many laughter and freaking out together.  I've been searching for another game that could offer a similar experience for 3-4 players and there doesn't seem to be that many that interest me.  Contagion caught my eye when I saw that it was a "Cooperative Survival Horror FPS".  There's one mode where objectives are randomly generated and plotted out in a map, another where you save civilians, and a PvP mode where it simulates a sort of trust and betrayal kind of mentality in an open environment.  So it may look like a standard zombie shooter, but it seems to have some interesting mechanics in play for it.  Unfortunately, it doesn't look nearly as scary as Cry of Fear and perhaps it's not the developers' goal; however, the game is worth looking into and I hope to see it out of Steam Early Access and become a full fledged game.  You can purchase Contagion on Steam Early Access for $14.99 right now on the top link.

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