Friday, October 18, 2013

VGCulture - Music - Arcadias no Ikusahime

Official JP Site:   Source: Youtube Channel DesmaX

For the past week, I saw the name Arcadias no Ikusahime come up more than once on Kotaku and mentions how great the music is.  Looking at the game's theme and gameplay, I was thinking it'd be a lot of orchestration with some Baroque period influence.  And in some of the songs, there are a lot orchestration and RPG sounding songs.  I decided to listen to the entire gamerip OST and see what it was all about.  What I experienced was a very unique collection of genres.  I hear influences from Rock, Classical, Baroque, Drum 'n Bass, Jungle, House, Oriental, Pop, Celtic, and even some Dubstep.  Some songs sound like the typical Medieval period JRPG music while others sounds like futuristic Phantasy Star themed music.  In videogames, music can be experimented with, combined, and utilized to create a unique theme or atmosphere for the game's experience.  I like the music and the gameplay reminds me of Odin Sphere.  No word of an international release has been made, but I'm hoping this game gets localized.  The entire gamerip OST is up on top for you to listen to.  There are 51 tracks in total.  Thanks for sharing Kotaku, I might not have seen this game otherwise.

-Kotaku - Arcadias no Ikusahime is Pretty, Light-Hearted, and Fun to Play

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