Friday, August 12, 2011

VGCulture - The Trenches

If you haven't heard, the creators of and (both webcomics that started in 1997 and 1998 respectively) have joined forces to bring you their new webcomic "The Trenches".  It tells an on-going story of a guy getting a job as a game tester and his life in the industry.
I just finished my last day at the company I worked at this week and now am looking for a job once more (though I have been for the past year since it was a temporary job to begin with).  Looking at this strip got me to laugh a bit because it is very relevant to our modern day employment.  What does "Over-Qualified" really mean?  It means you have the credentials to get paid well for the job you do and that the company doesn't want to pay that much.  They rather have someone without a degree with the same amount of skill that could do the same job for a lesser pay.  A lot of companies have outsourced their work to oversea workers where they pay dirt cheap for a position they would have to pay much more, even if it was minimum wage.  It seems that the game industry is starting to outsource their jobs in art, programming and game testing to oversea workers as well now.  The recession in our economy only makes it more tempting for company CEOs to make the decision to outsource their positions, so it gets harder for those trying to look for a job here.  I think I'll like this webcomic as it will be relevant to what I'm doing/want to do (game testing/game development).  You can check out the webcomic and the other ones the creators have been working on for over a decade here:

-The Trenches:
-Penny Arcade:

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