Monday, August 22, 2011

NewNews - Blizzard DotA still on the way with different name

As you may all know, there was a dispute between Blizzard and Valve when the term DotA was copyrighted and threw the whole community into confusion as to what was going on.  Icefrog, one of the developers of the original DotA, was hired by Valve to create a game and was asked what he wanted to do.  Icefrog said he wanted to do a sequel to DotA and create a better experience for the game without the limitations of the Warcraft III Engine that the original DotA was created on.  So I guess it was natural for Valve to copyright the trademark in order to release the game as an official product.  Around the same time the announcement of Valve getting the rights to the term "DotA", Blizzard was working on "Blizzard DotA" and found it befuddling that Valve would copyright the term "DotA" at all.  There has been DotA games for Starcraft 2, but there seems to be an official one that Blizzard is working on releasing.  With the release of DotA 2 close at hand, Blizzard seems to have decided to change the name of the Starcraft 2 mod rather than fight over the name as to not delay the release.

You can look up the history of DotA on Wikipedia, but I can try to give a very brief description of how it went down:
-It started with a custom campaign game on Starcraft called "Aeon of Strife."
-Username "Eul" created "Defense of the Ancients (DotA)" based on the maps, concept and gameplay of AoS.
-Username "Guinsoo" and a team of other WC3 modders helped on building on the DotA map.
-Icefrog joined the team and mostly carried the development from 2005 onwards
-After the popularity of DotA reached to international status, the MOBA genre was adopted into the industry
-Pentadragon and Guinsoo went on to work with "Riot Games" on "League of Legends (LoL)" and Icefrog was hired to work on "S2 Games'" "Heroes of Newerth (HoN).
-Over the years, a number of games adopted the genre and started making similar games or fusions: Demigod, Land of Chaos Online, Monday Night Combat, Realm of the Titans, Rise of Immortals, etc.
-Valve copyrights the term "DotA" and announces the development of DotA 2

Hopefully that's accurate, but it should still show how extensive the history of DotA is nonetheless.

-Gamasutra: Blizzard: Valve's 'Dota' Trademark Won't Delay StarCraft Mod 
-Joystiq: Blizzard Dota hits the reset button 

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