Wednesday, August 10, 2011

NewNews - Play games to get games (Steam Trading)

You know how Blizzard's Diablo 3 is going to have an auction house with real money and how people can sell in-game items for real money?  Well, what if you were able to get real games for trading in-game Team Fortress 2 items?  That'd be cool, right?

Source: Youtube Channel MrSmegheneghan

Well, Valve is working its way to doing just that.  Beside people selling in-game TF2 items for ridiculous prices ($240 for some of them I heard), players can opt to trade a full game on their steam list for an item.  Now, it's not any game a player wishes, but ones that publishers have agreed to and is part of the program that Valve is running.  It's sounds pretty cool, but you'd have to have an awesome items in order to get someone willing to give you a game for it.  Or perhaps some people have games they've already beat and don't want for an item.  Anyways, Valve is using every little unheard method of attracting players to play (and sometimes pay) for Team Fortress 2 as much as possible.  I'm not going to spend any money on in-game items still, but maybe I can score some free games for items I don't want!

-Joystiq: Steam Trading beta lets you exchange in-game items for games 

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