Tuesday, August 23, 2011

GameLight - Deus Ex Human Revolution (Available Now!)

Official Site: http://deusex.com/
Buy it on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/28050/

It's been 8 months since I posted my first thoughts on Deus Ex Human Revolution, and a lot has been revealed and the perspectives of people's opinions on the game has changed.

Source: Youtube Channel machinima

Unfortunately, I never finished playing through the first one.  I'm still working on it and I've accumulated so many other games because of sales and discounts.  With Deus Ex HR out now, I am more determined to finish the first one AND start on the 2nd one (invisible war).  So I talked with some more friends about the original two and apparently, the 2nd one wasn't as bad as so many fans have claimed so.  It probably disappointed fans of the first one in changes in aspects of the gameplay, but it seemed to have been a good game nonetheless.  With actual footages of Deus Ex HR, it seems a lot of fans of the first are extremely excited for this one and has high hopes for it compared to invisible war.  It definitely seems to be much more action orientated, which I don't really mind, but it still retains much of its open-ended gameplay and RPG aspects.

It seems the newest complaint on this game isn't from the fans of the original, fans of Mass Effect.  I was very confused as to why people were complaining about Deus Ex HR being a rip-off of Mass Effect.  With that one line, a huge flame war began.  It's nothing new to see people on the internet argue who know more, who's more faithful to their favorite publishers; the typical fanboy seems to dwell on public chat quite often to troll and flame.  Those who know the history of both games correct many people saying that the multiple choice dialogues, open-world gameplay, and Action/RPG hybrid aspects was already in the original Deus Ex which released 7 years before the first Mass Effect game.  True, there are similarities in its formula, but you can't say that either one are rip-offs of each other.  Even before Mass Effect, Bioware has adopted many aspects of past RPGs into games such as Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Bulder's Gate.  Even before all these RPGs, the dialogue choice system has been around since early 1980's adventure games (and even before videogames, there were "choose your own path novels.").  The open-world aspects was also seen in early adventure games as well if not the NES days with The Legend of Zelda.  And the Action-RPG genre seemed to have been around longer than I thought with games such as the first "The Elder Scroll: Arena" game  dating back to 1994.  It very much reminds me of today's comic on Nerf Now:
Source: http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/image/565
They say that "ignorance is bliss", but to not know the history of the games you love so much when you're a gamer while making very bad claims in the gaming community.  It seems that in the gaming world "ignorance is arrogance" with fanboys and elitist believing that they know everything and that all others are wrong.  With such thinking, many other great games will be void of their experiences.  Deus Ex Human Revolution should be a great game for both fans of the original and to those new to the series as long as they give it a chance.  I will be buying mines once I see a good sale for it (no rush to play it yet).

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