Thursday, August 4, 2011

NewNews - Brink Free Weekend on Steam and Half Off

Official Site:
Steam Site:

Source: Youtube Channel Cartagena44

If you've been waiting for a chance to check Brink out, like I have been for the past 3 months, this is the time to do it!  Brink is free to play for the weekend on Steam until Sunday 10AM.  If you happen to like it, you can purchase it for $24.99 since it's 50% off until Monday 10AM.  Brink is a First-Person Shooter with Class-based gameplay that truly shines in multiplayer.  The player can run on walls, scale on them, and do a lot of tricks to get to places they need to be.  So think Team Fortress 2 class based system with Call of Duty Guns using Mirror's Edge's parkour stunts.

Source: Youtube Channel GamingLives

I've been keeping up with the game since it was announced last year.  The problem is that the game is multiplayer intensive (most of the fun comes from the multiplayer side) and I've bought plenty of those games only to find that the servers were minimal to non-existent.  The latest example?  Homefront was on sale during the Steam Summer Sales and I was very reluctant to buying it for that very reason.  I opened up the multiplayer menu and sure enough there were only 10 servers with players on them with about 4 of them filled.  I find it saddening that so many great games (granted that there is a lack of polish to some of them) are neglected by the community and forgotten.  I'm going to give the game a spin this weekend and pray that it's really good and that people will continue to play on it.  Even something as big as Modern Warfare 2 is neglected on PC servers now, so I can only hope.

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