Friday, April 15, 2011

GameOn - Web Comics - VG Cats

Official Site: Videogame Cats - Scott Ramsoomair
Yay, it's Friday and I really need rest from the weekend after this crazy week.  So I tried to choose a strip from VGCats that didn't require too much knowledge of the game it's parodying, but I guess the ending does require a bit of knowing to get the joke.  Anyways, I found out about VGCats on Youtube when Super Smash Bros. Brawl was releasing information about the game and someone took one of Scott's comics and turned it into a video.  I looked VGCats up and really liked the comics and started to follow it.  Once I caught up, I realized that it took Scott to add a new comic between each one.  I really don't blame him as comic artists take a LOT of time and effort to produce even one strip.  What's great about VG Cats is that a lot of the jokes are general and don't focus on specific game references.  This makes it more welcoming for many in the gaming community.  I also like the two main characters Leo (Grey cat) and Aeris (Pink Cat).  They usually take the role of a character from a game when referencing one, but there are also times where they're themselves.  Despite that, their personalities are pretty distinct and is reflected even when taking the role of another character.  Scott started another comic called "Adventure Log" which had to do with Final Fantasy XI Online but gave up after a while.  He also started a comic called "Super Effective" which follows the stories and jokes of Pokémon.  He generally updates "Super Effective" more often now, but still takes a while before updating it.  Reviewing all these web comics has inspired me to get back into drawing, and so I am working hard to improve myself and draw more.  Well that's it for this week's GameOn, have a good weekend.

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