Wednesday, April 20, 2011

GameLight - Portal 2

So Portal 2 is finally out, and I never planned on getting it right away.

Source: Youtube Channel Valve

It's not that I don't think it's a good game (I'm pretty sure it's an incredible game), but the fact that I have a crazy backlog of games right now is preventing me from getting a game unless I desperately want it or it has a nice sale that's only for a limited time (Just bought 3D Dot Game Heroes for $13 and Persona 4 for $20 on Amazon on Monday).  So far, I heard the game is much more difficult and the 2-player co-op is a blast to play.  I think what might get me to buy the game is if there's a sale for a cheaper price or if one of my friends intend to co-op play.  For now, I want to enjoy the games I already have and still needs finishing while waiting for games that are out now that I want to get cheaper in the future when I'll be ready to buy and play them.
You know, I still haven't beat the original Half-Life 2 yet (let along episode 1 & 2).  I should probably get around to doing that...

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