Wednesday, April 13, 2011

GameOn - Web Comics - Penny Arcade

Official Site: Penny Arcade - Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins
I thought it'd be appropriate to post the strip that related back to yesterday's topic on MegaTokyo.  In fact, it was Penny Arcade that linked MegaTokyo's first 2 strips that generated a lot of attention to MT comics and thus resulting the continuation of it.  I'm not sure what their relationship is between Penny Arcade and MegaTokyo, but they've mentioned each other a few times in their comic.
I've known about Penny Arcade forever but never bothered reading their comics.  It's a good thing too until just recently this past year when I did start reading it.  Their comics are heavily intertwined with references to games, the industry, and the community.  I started learning more about the industry and started reading game news (ones that affect real life and economy) just these past 2-3 years and so I wouldn't have been able to understand a lot of their jokes and satire when mentioning a public figure such as Sony's CEO or co-founder of Valve Gabe Newell, things like that.  The comic has changed from when it first started and has delved far deep into the many aspects of game culture rather than make obvious jokes of games themselves.  Despite the directed audience of hard core gamers, they're very successful and has since brought their success to organizing charities such as "Child's Play" which donates money to medical fundings of sick children.  Their jokes are provocative and their content is rather mature, so it may not be to everyone's liking.

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