Monday, April 11, 2011

GameOn - Web Comics - Awkward Zombie

GameOn with a week of videogame based Web Comics.  Today, we're going to take a look at Awkward Zombie by Katie Tiedrich.
Official Site: Awkward Zombie - Katie Tiedrich
Not all of Katie's comics are exclusively on a specific game.  There are times where she would make a strip based on real life events with references to videogames.  I enjoy a lot of her quirky jokes that she makes that reference a game's actual gameplay, story, or character.  Most comics are based off of Nintendo games with Super Smash Bros. Melee and Pokémon being more of her well known references to games.  Her art style is simplistic, but effective in what it wants to achieve.  The Awkward Zombie site does experience problems loading and I can only hope that it's because a lot of people read her comics.  She is currently up to strip #193 from when she first started back in September 2006.

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