Wednesday, April 27, 2011

GameLight - Gameboy 3DS Games

Just a small update on the PSN:
-Gamasutra - Class Action Lawsuit Brought Against Sony Over PSN Data Breach
So Sony is going to be sued for about $25 Billion for the breach of sensitive information of over 70 Million user of their service on the Playstation network.

The Rothken law firm has filed a federal class action lawsuit against SCEA on behalf of the 77 million PSN customers it says were harmed by "one of the largest data breaches in the history of the internet." 

Are you kidding me?  They're doing this on our behalf?  I highly doubt that is seriously the case as dozens of lawyers have already lined up to take a chunk of money out of the situation.  Way to kick the man when he's down.  Yes, the breach of our personal information is unacceptable and unexpected; however, I don't think giving money to lawyers and the government really helps any of us does it?  Sony is not 100% at fault here since it's the "outside intrusion" that caused this entire situation at hand, but a more appropriate punishment should be taken in effect rather than having money-hungry political businessmen take advantage of what happened to the company and what happened to us PS3 gamers.  Tightening up security and ensuring that such an event won't happen again is a good start.  Then after protecting its customers, perhaps a compensation of sorts can be taken effect such as a Playstation Plus membership for a duration or a certain amount of credits to be used in the PSN store can be given to encourage players to continue using their services.  Compensation also needs to be given to developers and publishers who were affected by the down time (especially those relying on the Playstation Network to sell and play their games).  So if Sony were to be punished, it should be because it's for the people that were affected by the event, not because some guy in a suit wants to get rich off the situation.

Okay, onto the main topic and into something more happy.  The Nintendo 3DS has already released and Satoru Iwata says they're .60 million units short of their expected sales.  There can be many reasons for it.  Here are mine:
-Waiting for a new model to be released (GBA -> GBA SP / NDS -> NDS Lite)
-Wanting a different color (I want orange, I saw a mock model in orange at E3 last year)
-Waiting for more games to come out (Going to talk about that today)
-Waiting for a sale like at Costco or Amazon
Perhaps there are many gameboy players who are think the same thing (mainly waiting for the games to come out).  That is not to say that all the game out right now are bad (though most of them I don't want to pay money for).  There's going to be a lot of remakes and ports with the added 3D, and many gamers (including me) are kinda excited to see them released.  I may have to play Super Mario 64 one more time just for the 3D effects if it happens to come out.  Anyways, here's a list of games I'd buy or will buy if I had a Gameboy 3DS:

Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition 

Source: Youtube Channel machinima

So this is an obvious choice since it's the highest rated game out of all the 3DS games thus far (according to Metacritic) and is also one of the most anticipated games when announced last year.  I finally got to try it out at Game Stop last week and I was sincerely impressed by it.  I still think that I'll get dizzy from playing the 3DS for long durations, but I'd make the time I play the game worth it.  With 34 characters to choose from, single-cartridge multiplayer, wireless battles and much much more, this is one must-buy game for the 3DS.

Samurai Warriors - Chronicles

Source: Youtube Channel GameNewsOfficial

I have mentioned many times before that I'm a fan of Koei's Warrior Series.  I thought the GBA version of Dynasty Warriors was okay and the one for DS was kinda boring, but I think a warriors game on the 3DS is nice with all that new technology they have to work with now.  I really want to see the 3D in action in this game as well.

BlazBlue: Continuum Shift 2

Source: Youtube Channel realtactikz

I have BlazBlue: Continuum Shift for PS3 and I heard the patch with the changes to BB:CS 2 will be applied to the game (excluding extra characters, each $8).  I should play it more, but Hazama (Main Boss) pisses me off to no ends (even at the easiest difficulty level).  Despite that, I am very excited about a 3DS version of the game since it includes all the characters, extra content, the 3D effects, and a chance to play it while on the go.

Here are some of the other games I'm looking forward to:
-Dead or Alive: Dimensions - Finally a DoA on a system I (in the future) own.  The gameplay looks solid and the graphics are nice thus far.  I have yet to see the 3D in action on it yet.
-Cave Story 3D - Whoa, Cave Story in 3D!  I love the original and have high respects for Amaya Daisuke (the one and only to create the entire game in 5 years) so I'm excited to see a 3DS port of it.
-Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D - I guess I'm kind of looking forward to this one.  I'm not a huge Resident Evil fan, but I've enjoyed playing the few that I have.  It looks more fun for multiplayer though.

Like with many other games, I have a crazy backlog of NDS and PSP games that still needs to be played and finished.  It's the RPGs that's taking the longest to finish, but they're also the ones I'm having the most fun with.  I'm not sure when I'll get a 3DS, but I hope a lot of good games come out by the time I pick one up. 

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