Friday, December 10, 2010

VGCulture - Music: Snake Eater

Source: Youtube Channel Ricpos

It looks like I'll be posting at a different time and making shorter posts from now on as I've got a project to take care of now.  Anyways, my game-a-week mission is probably going to be impeded by this project and so I'm not certain of my plans on continuing it.  This week's game for me is Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and wow, it's much harder than MGS2 (then again, I played very easy on 2 while I'm playing normal on 3).  After about 2 hours, the beginning song played (video above) and it really reminded me of a James Bond 007 movie (James Bond 007 being one of my favorite series of films).  That sense of mystery, sensuality, and classic film nostalgia was a bit humorous when put into contrast to one of the codec conversations Naked Snake has with para-medic.  She asks if Snake has ever watched "007 - From Russia with Love", and snake replies by expressing his dislike for James Bond in how unauthentic he was as a spy.  CO Zero then has his rebuttal on how James Bond was the greatest thing to come out of Britain right next to the Mayflower.  The song is definitely "listen" worthy, and listen to it now if you haven't heard it before!  I'm not very far in the game yet since I've been caught up with so many objectives to fulfill in the real world, but I imagine that the rest of the game should be fun (hopefully).

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