Friday, December 24, 2010

VGCulture - Merry Christmas Everyone

Wow, Christmas arrived so quickly that I almost forgot.  When I was younger,  I would watch a lot of Christmas cartoons every year around the holidays.  I associated Christmas with cartoons and toys for presents.  As I got older, less Christmas cartoons were created and more of the same ones I watched every year repeated.  I then associated Christmas more with playing videogames and being with friends and family since they started to become rarer occasions.  I also associated Christmas with food as well, I never knew how much I liked food till much later.  Because of the association of videogames, there are certain games that come to mind when Christmas rolls around: Goldeneye 007, Super Smash Bros., Super Smash Bros. Melee, Phantasy Star Online. etc.  I can't imagine what game I would associate this year's Christmas since I have become a workaholic and think nothing but of getting things done.  It's also because I'm not so limited to a single game any more.  With the Steam Deals going on, I've already acquired six games and counting.  What's on today's menu specifically?
I recommend:
-Battlefield 2: Complete Collection - $4.99
-Torchlight - $4.99
-Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter - $2.50
-Devil May Cry 4 - $9.99 (meh, I got this for PS3, so I don't know about PC)
-Counter-Strike Source - $4.99 (It's worth it!!!)
-Overlord Complete Collection - $2.99 (Gonna buy it today!)
-Fallout: New Vegas - $29.99
-Borderlands - $9.99

Sorry the post is kind of bland today.  I still have tons of work to do before I get to play any games.  I wish you all a safe and Merry Christmas.  Happy Gaming all~

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