Thursday, December 2, 2010

NewNews - 'Tofu' with your 'Meat'

Source of News: Gamasutra

So the news that's spreading around about "Super Meat Boy" is how the co-creator of the game went onto "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)'s" forum boards and "introduced" the game to the community in trying to get a stir about his game.  Little did he expect that they made a parody game called "Super Tofu Boy" and create more publicity for the game than he could pay for.  The reasoning was that not everyone knew what Super Meat Boy was but many people know who PETA are and what they do.  In addition to creating free publicity, the developers had added "Tofu Boy" as a playable character in "Super Meat Boy".

Source: Youtube Channel MachinimaTrailer

Super Meat Boy is a Action Platformer that was inspired by many retro games such as Super Mario Bros. and Megaman 2 with the challenge of other indie games such as "I Wanna be the Guy" (He's a secret character in Super Meat Boy I hear) and N+.  It has very slick gameplay which demands more twitch action than careful planning.  Using the concept of "learning through losing" is common for super hard games and really puts gamers to the test on coordination, memory, timing, and reflexes.  At the moment, I don't plan to buy Super Meat Boy right away, but I plan to in the near future.  I'm still trying to learn as much as I can from other Indie developers so that I can be prepared with my own releases if I ever get anything done.  At the moment, I'm still stuck on a lot of writing, music, and level design for other projects and don't have enough free time to work on my indie projects yet.  I miss the challenge of hard games and I think I want to give "I Wanna be the Guy" another go.  If you have interest in Super Meat Boy, please support the developers and BUY IT NOW!!!  It's also available on Xbox Live Arcade, WiiWare, and Microsoft Windows Games Live for $15!!!

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