Tuesday, December 14, 2010

GameLight - Deus Ex Human Revolution

So I saw this on Nerf Now!!!'s comic just now:
Source: http://nerfnow.com/
and I feel bad because I can't really sympathize with all the gamers that played the first two Deus Ex games.  I've been told numerous times of how Deus Ex is one of the most finely developed, intricately written, and well designed gamed of all time but never found the chance to play it.  Well, I got it earlier this year and have slowly worked on finishing the game and I can see why it is so highly praised.  Open ended gameplay, immersive story, continuous statistics (health, injuries, skills, items, everything stays with you throughout the game), memorable tracks, challenging level designs, etc.  The game may be old, but it has a lot of innovations that current day publishers would be so freaked out to even mention such open-ended gameplay.  Then there's the fact that I haven't tried or seen "invisible war" which is the sequel that did not serve justice to the first game.  I'll eventually play it to find out what was so bad about it, but when I found out about Deus Ex 3 (when it wasn't fully named yet) and told people who played the first two, they just groaned and said "oh great, another disappointment".

Source: Youtube Channel Machinma

After a few trailers released, I'm (sorta) convinced that this next Deus Ex will be incredible in its own rights.  Will it be compared to the first one by other players?  HECK YEAH!  People are already talking about how it's all action and how implausible the technology looks more advanced than the first one when it was set at a time sooner than the first one.  I don't care, I don't want to compare games or put it down before it even comes out.  I wouldn't be able to enjoy a game and judge it fairly if I already have all these preconceptions laid out.  Then again, I'm already expecting varieties of flashy weapons, open-ended city exploring, and futuristic gadget utilization.  Hopefully it'll be a great game.

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