Tuesday, December 7, 2010

NewNews - New type of editor in Little Big Planet 2?

I apologize for the late post.  I've been busy all day with work that needed my attention.  I saw a post on Joystiq that made me a bit curious about Little Big Planet 2 (LBP2).
Joystiq - Wolfenstein 3D recreated (with alarming accuracy) in LittleBigPlanet 2
I've played through most of the first one and didn't really care for playing online, and so I didn't have much interest in tracking LBP2.

Source: Youtube Channel MrShuanji

After reading through the post and watching the video, I was a bit more convinced that I should track the game and see what else it's capable of.  At the moment, I'm more interested in trying to learn more on how to use the Starcraft 2 editor and UDK so I can create more games that I could add to my portfolio.  But yeah, the editor for LBP2 doesn't seem to restrict to the graphics of the game and the rules of the first game, so it'll be interesting to see what people make.

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