Wednesday, December 15, 2010

VGCulture - Indie Game Wants

I heard there was a "Humble Indie Bundle 2" being sold.

Source: Youtube Channel WolfireGames

-Cortex Command
-Revenge of the Titans
Like the first one, you set the price yourself.  The games value bought separately is $85.  The amount you submit is split between the developers, charity, and the team running the bundle campaign.  I'm all for supporting the charity, but I also want to support the indie developers as well.  But if I were to buy the games, I'd probably take it for $5 and may not have interest in playing them.  Most of my support of indie games has been on Steam and my support in game charity is through helping the "Get Well Gamers Foundation".  The indie games I've bought include: Galcon Fusion, Mount & Blade original and Warband, Nation Red, Plain Sight, ProtoGalaxy, AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity, Beat Hazard, BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity, GridRunner Revolution, QuantZ, Shatter, Torchlight, Trine, and just yesterday I got Monday Night Combat.  I want to keep learning about indie games and supporting them so that perhaps I'll be working on them one day.  This then leads to a small list of ones I'm interested in (on Steam):
-Super Meat Boy (This is high on my list of want)
-Amnesia (Meh...I heard it was a scary game.  Not sure how long it'd hold my attention)
-DeathSpank (Kinda curious)
-Recettear (I played the Japanese Demo a looooooong time ago, and I'm interested in buying it)
-Arcadia (More interested in trying it than buying it.  Looks like Geometry Wars with a slight difference)
-BitTripBeat (The music matching gameplay intrigues me and I like the retro/modern hybrid it integrates)
-Shank (Looks interesting, but also looks like a few hour enjoyment and nothing beyond that)
-VVVVVV (It looks like a difficult game, and I'd like to give it a try.  Same for Super Meat Boy).
-Swarm Arena (I don't know what the game's about, but it looks pretty)
-Shattered Horizon (It's an indie game?  I didn't know that, haha.  I don't have Vista/7, so I can't played it).

Besides all those indie games and more, I'm also considering buying Battlefield: Bad Company 2 along with the new expansions and DLC:

Source: Youtube Channel EA

I really don't like how we are sold with broken games that get fixed after its releases with limited content that's sold later for prices that match the prices of some retail games.  It makes me respect developers like Valve and TripWire for adding so much more content long after its release with no extra charge so that the player count is stabilized with more joining in.  With a lot of DLCs out there, players get separated from those who have it and those who don't.  Then we get abandoned when no more money can be made out of that game and releases another with give DLCs already lined up before its release.  Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the game industry is suffering while the indie developers are starting to become more popular among gamers.  I'm really trying my best not to get "Minecraft", for if I do there will be no work done for me...except for all the work inside the game, haha.

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