Friday, December 17, 2010

GameLight - Land of Chaos Online (LOCO)

Last night, I talked a bit about how interesting it was it combine genres in games such as in "Monday Night Combat" having the action of a TPS (like TF2) and the gameplay structure of a MOBA (like DotA).  I have yet to try out the Beta since I've been busy with other work, but I also forgot to mention another game that was similar to "Monday Night Combat."  "Land of Chaos Online" or LOCO is an action MOBA Online game that does a similar fusion of MOBA and Hack n' Slash Action (like Dynasty Warriors).

Source: Youtube Channel GamexOnline

Graphics: Many free online games have incredible graphics now, and LOCO is no exception.  The environment has a nice atmosphere that really sets the mood to each level.  The characters are drawn/modeled distinctively though named oddly (Foxlady?  Really?).  The animations are fluid, the effects are a bit on the cheap side sometimes with flat textures in some of them rather than using particle effects, and great lighting effects.

Audio: I can't express how incredible the soundtrack is to the game.  It's memorable, powerful, exciting, and is worth listening outside of the game.  I am a bit sad on the quality of the sound recording for the initial music, but the new ones are in higher quality with a clear tone (the initial music for the game is muddled).  Voice acting is okay I guess, there isn't much to criticize on that topic.

Gameplay: I participated in the beta and loved the idea and enjoyed the gameplay...until I started to go against other players.  In the beta, characters were ridiculously broken and overpowered other characters if they had an early lead.  That might be different now.  The games were also fill with a lot of trolling.  Players would constantly harass their team mates, flame on the lobby chat, and cause all sorts of problems for the other players and moderators.  It was infuriating playing with other people and I pretty much gave up hope on the game because of the bad community.  It might have changed now.  The action aspect is very refreshing after playing so many years of DotA from a top-down view and having to only click on enemies.  The RPG-leveling system was interesting, but a bit difficult when trying to find the best item builds.  The controls were okay, but it gets tricky with ranged characters.  The game is played like Dynasty Warriors, but in the format of like DotA.  So the goal is to destroy the main building of the opposing team.  The twist is that after the building is destroyed, a huge boss comes out and you have to fight it while fending off the opposing team's players.  Just like DotA, there are lanes (sometimes open areas) and NPC enemies come out to destroy each other's base while players can defeat them to earn experience points and currency to buy items.  The battle modes are pretty challenging if you play with players who don't cooperate or don't know what they're doing.  I lost almost all my matches against other people.  I think I've had 1-2 wins out of the 10+ matches I had.  I always had people die a lot on my team and blame everyone else on the team or having to go against really smart players.  A new Co-Op mode was added and I tried it out.  It's seems impossible, everything takes forever to kill and your character dies rather quickly.  The game is great in many ways, but it also has various aspects that discourage me from playing it.

I'm going to try out "Monday Night Combat" this weekend and see how it fares.  I'm hoping it doesn't give me as bad a experience as LOCO has in terms of community.  I do recommend at least trying out LOCO since it's free and they constantly update it with more maps, more characters, and more events.

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