Official Site:
Source: Youtube Channel
This year's E3 was quite exciting with so many games lined up for this year, next year, and the the year after that that it's overwhelming. Along with the announcement of the next generation consoles ready to launch by the end of this year by Sony and Microsoft, there is a lot to look forward to after the show. More than anything, I saw a lot of First-Person Shooters and Third-Person Shooters. I think I saw at least over 15 games under those genres. It's a good thing I like shooters. Aside from that, Japanese developers really lit up the show this year. Last year, I felt there was little to talk about that really interested me. This year, there is just too much to talk about! I'll try to be brief with each one.
Sure-Buys (I plan to buy these games for sure):
[BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma]
Arc System Works had already won me over ever since I first got into the series. With 6 new characters, a continuation of the story from Continuum Shift, new skills and specials for every character, and some new mechanics, this game has captivated me and is sure to be an enjoyable experience.
[Dark Souls 2]
A few more gameplay videos were shown during E3 and has me pretty convinced to get the game. Dual wielding weapons actually have a use now!!!
[Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate]
I was planning on buying the game already when it was announced an ultimate edition was going to release. With extra characters and content at a lower price, I'm okay with waiting a bit longer before picking it up.
[Dynasty Warriors 8]
I was worried when I heard this was being developed. Dynasty Warriors 7 was such an amazing game to the series that I wasn't sure if Omega Force was ever going to live up to those standards again. But
[Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl]
It wasn't shown at E3, but it was announced right when E3 started. It's a remake of the original Etrian Odyssey with a story mode and difficulty selection. The original was way too grindy and hardcore. If it's anything like the 4th installment, then I'm looking forward to playing this.
[Final Fantasy XV (Formerly Versus XIII)]
Many fans had lost hope for Versus XIII as it failed to see progression year after year since its initial announcement. So it was a nice surprise when Versus XIII resurfaced as Final Fantasy XV and will be released on the Playstation 4. Some fans are upset with the real-world environment. For me, I don't care if it doesn't look like a Final Fantasy game anymore. This game looks amazing!
[Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13]
Alongside the announcement of FF15 is Lightning Returns. This iteration of FF13 seems to be a lot more action orientated which has me a lot more interested than if it were turn-based like traditional FF games. But it's a Final Fantasy game, I'll be buying it no matter what.
[Project X Zone]
I already pre-ordered it and tried it out. A few days before E3, Nintendo released a demo in the eShop of the 3DS for players to try it out. It only has 5 plays compared to most Demos that has 30 plays, but the demo take about 30 minutes to complete. It allows players to experience combat in the game where a team can chain and juggle an enemy 4-6 times, bring in support and a solo assist. I'm looking forward to this.
[Rise of the Triad]
A sequel/reboot to the game of the same name, this game already caught my interest when the trailer on Steam showed up two weeks ago. It's a fast-paced, First-Person Shooter that's reminiscent of Quake or Unreal with a campaign mode much like the original Rise of the Triad. It supposedly is set to release sometime this summer.
Convincing (One to keep an eye on):
[Bayonetta 2]
I was a bit surprised with the hair change in the characters, but I think they still look really stylish. The game is looking crazier than ever from what they showed at E3 and seems to be one of the biggest games exclusively on the Wii U made by a 3rd-Party developer. This game might convince some people to get a Wii U.
[Dragon's Crown]
This game is starting to feel old despite having not released yet because of how often it's been covered. But as the release date gets closer, more and more footages of the game convinces me that this will be a great game. I really miss traditional beat-em-ups and this game has that and more in store.
[Killer is Dead]
I'm a bit embarrassed to say that I've never played a SUDA51 game, so I'm not as excited about Killer is Dead as everyone else. But I do love hack-n-slash games which they showed a lot of from the trailer of this game at E3. It's still not clear if there's any connection to this game and "No More Heroes" or "Killer 7".
[Mirror's Edge 2]
This time around, the game will be open-world rather than linear. I wonder how that will play out. It seems a lot of game franchises are switching to open-world (Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, The Division, Destiny, etc.)
[Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies]
As excited as I am about the newest install of shouting "Objection!", I'm still disappointed in the fact that it will be sold digitally only.
[Tales of Xillia]
I'm not a Tales fan, but I want to be. There are a lot of Tales games and most of them look great. This one is no exception, though a little late to the party. Japan already had Tales of Xillia 2 out for a while now and we haven't even gotten the first one yet.
[The Last of Us]
This release just last night with critic scores averaging 95/100. I haven't seen numbers like those in a while (Bioshock Infinite hit 94). The game does sound like a lot of fun though.
[Time and Eternity]
Very little was shown at E3 for Time and Eternity (like 30 seconds of new footage, that's it). But from what was shown, there seems to be a bit of action in the turn-based battles which was what I was hoping for. It similar to Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars where skills can be followed up or attacks can be blocked/dodged. I was hoping to see more of "The Guided Fate Paradox".
[Tom Clancy's The Division]
I have to say that this was one of the most interesting games shown at E3 that wasn't already known to the general public. An open world shooter with multiplayer centric gameplay and capabilities of playing on a tablet as a drone just sounds so immersive and involving. Sadly, it's set for only consoles. I'd like to play a game like this on PC.
[X from Monolith Soft]
It's official name could be "X", but no one knows for sure. It's possible that it's connected to Xenoblade Chronicles or the Xeno series in general, but the game does look promising from what it has shown so far.
[Ys: Memories of Celceta]
If I were to get a PS Vita, this would be one of the games I'd get. The combat to the 4th Ys was just like the originals where the player bumps into enemies to kill them. The remake plays a lot more like the newer Ys games with a more dynamic perspective and stronger Action-orientated gameplay.
Interesting (Caught my attention, but not entirely convinced just yet):
[Alien Rage]
I didn't see any coverage on this game. But there was a video on it and it looked nice. Perhaps it was just too plain for the press to really give it any attention? I still want to see more of this game in the future.
[Bravely Default Flying Fairy]
Nothing new was shown at E3, but this game was listed. Perhaps there was a demo for attendees to try out? If there was, no one recorded or reported anything as far as I know. It's interesting that Square-Enix decided to bring this over.
[Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2]
I'm near the end of finishing Lords of Shadow 1 and I have conflicting thoughts about the game. Still, the fact that there's a sequel makes me think there will be a cliff-hanger at the end of the first one. I know what's coming, but I guess that's why I'll be keeping an eye out for the sequel.
[Deep Down]
The new project that Capcom is working on sounds like Dragon's Dogma, but is supposedly a new IP. I want to see more of this new project.
Bungie joined up with Activision and has created Destiny, an open-world, multiplayer First-Person Shooter. The gameplay they showed was between okay and pretty cool. I guess I want to see more and want to be convinced to get it.
[Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain]
I can't say I'm very excited about the newest Metal Gear Solid, but I do plan on playing it sometime or another when it finally comes out. I've played MGS 2-4 and enjoyed them so I mainly want to see what new stories there is to tell in the series.
[Sunset Overdrive]
Another open-world first-person shooter. I'm not saying it to sound like it's a bad thing, I'm just pointing out how many there were at E3. No gameplay was shown, but the trailer does have me interested to finding out more about the game.
From the guys that left EA to create Call of Duty with Activision and left them to work under EA again, Titanfall seems to boast Mech fights along with the First-Person Shooting aspects. I'm not sure how I feel about this game yet.
[Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z]
Hack-n-Slash gameplay, Ninjas, and Zombies. This game seems to have it all. But will it be fun? Not sure yet.
E3 Winner: Super Smash Bros.
Source: Youtube Channel
I actually wasn't expecting anything to be shown for Super Smash Bros. when it seems like they just started development on it not too long ago. It was already evident that a portable version was going to be made alongside a console version and sure enough it was revealed to have a 3DS version as well as a Wii U version. The 3DS version will have the same amount of characters as the Wii U version with different levels that's more relevant to portable games like Super Mario 3D Land as opposed to Super Mario Galaxy. The other big surprise besides the reveal of "The Villager" from Animal Crossing are the introduction of Mega Man and The Wii Fit Trainer. The Wii Fit Trainer was shocking, funny and confusing which brought on a lot of attention from the internet and those at the show. But it's the reveal of Mega Man that has a lot of fans excited, I know I am! Super Smash Bros. is definitely the game I was most excited for from all the games showed at E3 this year.
Biggest Disappointment:Phantasy Star Online 2
The lack of an appearance is one thing. Having no mention of it at all just made me sad. The last thing we heard from Sega is that the Western release was delayed. When is Sega going to tell us anything about Phantasy Star Online 2? How do they intend to hype this? Phantasy Star Online 2 is supposed to be the biggest release this year for me and yet I see no sign of it progressing or releasing this year.
That's all for this year's E3. It was quite a show and one I'm sure Microsoft just wants to forget. The true battles begins this fall when the holiday season approaches and the next generation consoles finally release.