Monday, June 3, 2013

GameLight - Rise of the Triad

Steam Page:
Source: Youtube Channel Interceptor Entertainment

While checking out yesterday's sale on Steam, I came across this trailer at the bottom of the page.  What shocked me was seeing "Apogee Software" appear in the beginning of the video.  I thought that company name was long gone, but it seems that they're still around.  They're not developing this game, but they are publishing it with development by Interceptor Entertainment.  The second thing that shocked me was that it's a twitch-based First-Person Shooter, granted that this is actually a reboot of an existing Apogee Software game.  Despite several attempts in the past few years or so to bring back twitch-based first-person shooters, the general gaming community doesn't have much interest in it.  First-Person shooters is one of the most popular genres in gaming for the Western market; however, twitch-based shooters such as Quake and Unreal are quite niche now and fans of those two games generally go back to those games rather than the newer ones.  The most recent twitch-based FPS I have played are Nexuiz, Quake Live, Painkiller and Renaissance Heroes.  Nexuiz is a really pretty and entertaining game, but doesn't have a community behind multiplayer (people make maps for it though).  Quake Live has a small community with some maps from older Quakes catering to fans of the old Quake games.  I've only played the first one and enjoyed it a bit, but the Painkiller franchise has pretty much become a joke with each iteration being developed by a different company and receiving lower scores with each release.  Renaissance Heroes just went live recently and is also on Steam.  It's a fun game, but has most of its content locked as paid items and lacks content.  So I'm surprised there are still developers willing to go this route and make another twitch-based FPS.  Watching the video, the graphics, game mechanics, and controls look amazing and a lot of fun.  I got even more excited when I learned that there was a single-player campaign like the original (I never played the original, but I'm so used to seeing games like these with only multiplayer modes).  So whatever the outcome might be, I'm pretty interested in the game.  I just don't think it will take off, is all.  Hopefully I'll be wrong so I can enjoy the multiplayer of the game as well as the Campaign.

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