Tuesday, June 18, 2013

NewNews - Phantasy Star Online 2 still Delayed

Official Site: http://www.pso2.com/us/
Source: Youtube Channel Grand Tickler

Last Friday, I mentioned that the biggest disappointment of this year's E3 wasn't something that was shown but the lack thereof.  I guess I wasn't alone in hopes of hearing something from Sega about the Western release of Phantasy Star Online 2 as many fans had anticipated a launch date.  Jason Schreier of Kotaku had reached out to Sega for answers and was told that the Western release is still delayed until they are able to announce to the public.  The exact message Schreier got from Sega was:

"SEGA can officially confirm that PSO2 has been delayed. We don't have any specifics but will update everyone as soon as there are more details to share."

So the waiting game continues as the one year anniversary of PSO2's release in Japan quickly approaches.  Sega's resources might have its priority on others games and preparing for E3 and thus has slowed down the localization and launch of PSO2.  I have no doubt that PSO2 will be immensely popular in the West, but I cannot say how profitable it will be for Sega.  This might be another reason why it's taking so long to launch as production figures out what's the best market and course of action to take for the Western Market compared to that in Japan.  Whatever the case may be, I can only hope that PSO2 will release some time this year.

-Kotaku - Sega Still Says Phantasy Star Online 2 Is 'Delayed'

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