Wednesday, May 18, 2011

NewNews - Crisis in the Game Industry

Playstation Network password change exploit

Playstation Network may be back up, but that doesn't mean we're entirely safe.  Something that Sony overlooked that has been exploited is the ability for the hackers to change the password of our accounts even after we changed it once already.  How?  By entering the email and birth date of the user's account to create a new password in case the user forgot what it was.  The problem is that the hackers that took the information from the PSN servers has all those information to do just that.  So sites and services to do that have been temporarily taken down until another method to insure user security is taken effect.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 leak
I didn't realize what happened this past weekend was a result of leaked information about Modern Warfare 3.  There was a series of very short video clips released by the publisher Activision which showed practically nothing but a few radio chatters and a night-vision look at a few cities being under attack:

Source: Youtube Channel machinima

What was exactly leaked?  Not sure, they're trying to cover it up as best as they can right now and using the opportunity of curious eyes of the internet by the leak to create hype.  I don't blame them as a leak can be very harmful to the market as it affects the faith of its consumers.  There is also a lot of conflict with how Activision ousted two important members of the original Infinity Ward team and caused much ruckus among the developers.  Along with the fan-boys of each side of EA games and Activision games fighting it out on the comment pages, forums and such, Activision is seen as the enemy in the industry by a lot of people.  Despite that, there are those who are still hoping for the best out of Modern Warfare 3 including me and do not wish for ill-will to ruin the honesty work that the remaining members of Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games are putting into the project.  There's also the speculation that this "leak" is a possible artificial hype planned by the Marketing department as they were prepared to show those few clips so quickly and readily right after the announcement of the leak.

Crysis 2 for $35 on Amazon
Speaking of Crisis, Crysis 2 is on a one-day special of $35 on Amazon right now!  My friend already got it.  And seeing how I'm trying to go back into Action Games and RPGs, I'm going to just borrow the game from my friend and play through singleplayer and a bit of multiplayer and move onto the next game.  I have spent the majority of my college years playing nothing but First-Person Shooters and think I should try to break from it and go back to other games I have yet to finish or start.  That doesn't mean I'm going to stop entirely.  I still play MAG, Medal of Honor, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 & Black Ops, Battlefield Bad Company 2, and occasionally I'll go back to Team Fortress 2, but I think it's time for me to get back to playing other games other than just FPS.  If you like FPS games, Crysis 2 is a game you have got to try out:

Source: Youtube Channel eavision

-Gamasutra: Report: Sony Hit By New PlayStation Exploit 
-Joystiq: The Modern Warfare 3 leak, from Activision's perspective 
-Amazon: Deal of the Day - Crysis 2 for $35

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